Growth on wing


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Yellow Sided Conure (Suzuki), Cockatiel (Raffi)
Hello everyone,

I have a female cockatiel that I found in the dumpster almost 5 years ago named Raffi. Today when I let her out of her cage she stretched out her wings and I noticed a strange growth. It is very well hidden and you have to move a lot of feathers over to be able to see it. I am not sure how long she has had this for (which is making me feel very guilty).I inspected the lump and she doesn't seem to be in any pain when I lightly touched it.

I attached a picture of what it looks like. I have a booked an appointment to see an avian vet for tomorrow morning. In the mean time, would anyone have any ideas of what this could be?


it looks to me like a feather cyst (ingrown feather). the vet will tell you for sure and will likely lance it and remove the ingrown feather. theyre pretty common in cockatiels from what i've read.
I had that happen to one of my female tiel once with the ingrown feather. It must be removed! That happened to me over 10 years ago and it surprised me.

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