Gwens mad at me.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
B&G Macaw, CAG, Moustache Parrot Quaker, 4 Tiels, 2 Keets
I took my B&G out and put her on one of the playareas, Gwen asked to come out also, so I told him "in a minute, when I get the other playarea set up" (food &water) He didn't like my response I guess, because he yelled at me "NO! Want to come out! Step up! Want to come out! Step up!". Well when I got the play area ready for him, I went to take him out and he bit into me and clamped down like a vise grip. Then when he finally let go, he yelled, "No Bite!" and then laughed hysterically. Then he turned his back on me and refused to talk to me, or step up and come out. Talk about demanding. Lord forbid I don't do exactly what he wants, the second he wants it done. He is still in his cage sulking about not getting his way.
At least he knows NO BITE, its a shame he said it AFTER the fact. I do hope he's got over his sulks now and will come out for you, or at least talk to you again. How could you not jump when he said jump. LOL
Glad that you have admitted the error of your ways, :p :D Gwen will be pleased with you now.
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LOL I have begged forgiveness while bowing to his majesty, but alas, he is still ignoring me....... :D
LOL, I think some major groveling is due, BIG TIME bribes are needed I think.
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But....but....but....I've been groveling for hours and now my knees hurt, and my back hurts from bowing and....and....and thank goodness he finally talked to me. Maybe there is hope for forgiveness...:D
He's certainly making you suffer, how long has it taken him to.. sort of.. kinda give you a quick glance. That'll teach ya.................. He's just making surethat you don't ever do it to him again.
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Are you kidding, he hasn't actually looked at me yet! LOL He still has his back to me. Who knows, maybe it wasn't me he was saying 'hello' to after all. He did however say 'Goodbye' when I went out to let the pup go pee. Think he's trying to tell me something? :rolleyes:
Oh dear, I think you've done it this time, has he spoken to you yet!!!!!!!!!

He's a grey who knows what he wants, so please let him train you!!!!!!! LOL
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He spoke to me this morning. I will be taking him out as soon as I get my daughter off to school. Hopefully I will still have all my fingers when I report back later. :rolleyes:
Well thats a good sign, don't leave it too long when you get back, you don't want to upset him again, do you?

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