Happy not handling?


New member
May 5, 2012
Bay Area California
Margret-Mealy Amazon 28 (family parrot), Petri- Peach Front Conure 4, Chloe- Congo African Grey 24 and Rio- Blue Crown Conure 4 !! :D
So my newly rehomed cag Chloe hasn't been handled in ~15 years. Do you guys think I should try to work with her? I know I am going to be bit X_X. She needs to go to the vets soon and get her beak and nails done. Should I be happy not being able to have her come out and hang out? Do a lot of members here not handle their CAGs? My mom is kinda being a debby downer about it....I was thinking I would work with her and gain her trust over the next months and eventually try to take her out when she is used to her new home and to me and my mom is just being super negative about it. She told me "oh you sure got the bad end of this deal, blah blah." But that is only because she came into my bedroom and Chloe was on the side of the cage and mom tried tickling her feet. Chloe didn't like that at all, she's seen my mom one or two times since she got here last friday so it hasn't even been a week yet! She growled at my mom and opened her beak at her. I would be upset too if a stranger tried to mess with me. I was trying to be hopeful that someday I could handle her. She was hand fed, but is now 23 years old. Oh and I should add that she likes to pluck, not bald but trimmed. She kinda looks fuzzy. :(

I think I got myself into a situation that requires lots of patience.

Thoughts? Words of wisdom? I'm kinda sad.

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Hey Welcome to the forum. We all know there is nothing better than showing our parents they don't know everything. First rule stop talking to her about it, and come here for help start looking on you-tube for how to videos on working with birds and your right he has had 15 years of neglect and most likely is set in his ways, that being said he may also be the loneliest bird on the planet, and someone showing interest in him may make his next 15 the happiest years of his and your life. Good luck, go slow, be patience , let him know that your there for him, sit by his cage talk or read out loud discribe your day to him, knit or learn origamini and give him the results to destroy. share your popcorn or grapes or apple slices with him
Yea you should get the bird out. But I would first take him or her to the vet. Would u like to sit n a cage for 15 years. I wouldn't and I knoe ur grey wouldn't. It prolly plucks because its board. If your scared I would recommend to gave it to a rescue in them work with the grey
But.if your not scared then I would work with it. They are very good birds. Best of luck and let us know how it goes
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Thank you, my heart is a little less heavy now. Story of my life...caring too much what my parents think. She's real sweet, was saying her name into the water dish last night. She does need a great home even if I can't handle her ever. She hasn't been aggressive to me so I know just chatting it up with her and whistling at her makes her happy. She sure eats a ton though! I have her in my bedroom where I spend most of my time when I am home so I can bond with her more.
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I want to eventually take her out, but it's way too soon right now. She hasn't been with me for a week yet. She's still getting used to me. She gets scared when I take my clothing out of my dresser and stuff and when I was sweeping in my room. I know if I tried anything now I would probably get hurt. I just ordered some more toys for her and I think her cage is about 5 times larger than what she had before.
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My vet does our amazons beak/nails for 60$ so I am def taking her in as soon as she is more settled here. Don't need to stress her out too much.
I have a CAG that eats a ton too! After your vet visit, sit by her cage and just let her get to know you for awhile. One of my CAG's is very, very cage aggressive and attacks everything or anything that goes near her cage - to include hands, or anything else.
So what I do is let her climb out and climb all over her cage. If I were you, is I'd let her get use to doing that.. then you can start working with her. I'd use a perch first and not your fingers. :)
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How do you get her back in her cage? The cage I have for her does have a play top.
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Good idea with the perch.....I don't know why I didn't think of that instead of sacrificing my arm LOL
My CAG goes back in there whenever I put food in her bowl, you could try that. Get her use to eating her favorite treat, and then drop it in the bowl inside her cage. That way she'll follow it in (hopefully!)
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Okay I'll have to figure out what her favorite treat is then. Last night she had a piece of the apple pie minis from starbucks that we were throwing away. That was eaten rather quickly lol! Going to see what she thinks of cucumber here in a few minutes.
She may go back in the cage by herself is she has not had much freedom in the past. May not even come out of the cage. I would begin by just opening the door when you feel you are ready. You do not know if she can even fly well so I would make that room a safe room for flight first. Just go slow with her. Call you vet and tell him the story and see if they have any suggestions. She may need a little calming help for the vet trip.
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Her wings were clipped last friday when she arrived. I think I will wait a few more weeks. At least now she is starting to interact with me and acting less scared everyday that goes by since arriving. Are you guys going to make me a robot arm like luke skywalkers if I need it???? Her voice is pretty funny. When she came out of the carrier, she popped her head out and said "hello" is a deep voice with a type of accent. hehe. She actually just bent her head down for a scratch through the cage a few minutes ago. okay I am cheering up now thank you :D The rain cloud is leaving my bedroom!!!
I'm sure she'll be fine with time and patience.... Although she hasn't been handled for 15 years, she could have been handled a lot in the previous 8 years... She wouldn't have forgotten that...
Excuse me for being blunt, but I think your mother's attitude is very negative and ignorant.

Birds aren't domesticated animals - they're not cats and dogs where you can just go and pet them and they'll fall over backwards for you; even domesticated cats and dogs don't like human company sometimes. Surely your mother wouldn't go out and pet a wolf and expect it to like her. I just don't understand the mentality of people who assume that a bird will open up and want to be petted, especially one that has been neglected for all this time.

CAG are VERY intelligent birds and are able to read and understand our tone of voice and our emotions. I don't think having your mother interact with the bird is a very good idea at all, considering the negative emotions she's holding towards the CAG, and chances are she (Chloe) can sense that.

Work with her. Make every interaction a positive one. You're in a good place here on these forums, surrounded by many who have experience with birds, and in some cases, rehomed birds. I've heard of many success stories with birds, but it's all about building trust and having patience.

Remember that 15 years is a very long time of neglect - so don't expect results straight away. Little steps - over time - can take months or in some cases years. Just don't give up trying and stay positive and genuine. They can tell if you are genuine about being their friend and will respond to as such.

I would recommend look at some of the resources at Good Bird, Inc. and see some of the suggestions and videos there. They have a number of resources including books and DVDs which may be beneficial for you.

Best of luck and congratulations on your new addition. I hope that she can become apart of your family. :)
[...] Her voice is pretty funny. When she came out of the carrier, she popped her head out and said "hello" is a deep voice with a type of accent. hehe. She actually just bent her head down for a scratch through the cage a few minutes ago. okay I am cheering up now thank you :D The rain cloud is leaving my bedroom!!!

Glad to hear! Keep up the work with her. :) I'm sure you can find a loving companion in her with time.
Welcome to the forum and congrats on Chloe. I am sure things will work out. You have other birds and I am assuming you handle them.
Just read Choles signs she will dilate her eyes and raise her wings if she does not want to be handled....
I just got an 11 year old CAG that has not had much attention for the last 3-4 years.
He is well fed and groomed and cage was always spotless. Montie has had Solomon since weaned and interacted with him for about 6 years. So I know it will take weeks if not months to gain his trust.

You are in the right place a lot of good bird brains here..
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Awww come on, that was a bit harsh calling my mom ignorant, when she is surely not. I wouldn't have gone that far but I do say she wasn't fully aware that my aunt didn't handle her birds for the past ~15 years and we were trying to come up with our own conclusions to that. In her mind this bird is hand fed and loves all humans. Yes my mother is being very negative since now seeing that Chloe isn't a super tame bird, but I am going to be moving out soon and I will not care what she says with me trying to bond with Chloe. BUT, she did go out today and run some errands and bought me some parrot mix and pellets for my birds so I can't be too mad at her for trying to bring me down about it. This will probably be difficult for me and she knows how I am.

I posted the entire story a few threads down, I rehomed this bird from an estranged relative and my parents weren't happy for me to take both her greys, but I ended up taking just the one. I'm probably in over my head, being a college kid full time, working part time and being in drum corps as well and orchestra. But I want to give Chloe a great life and I am in it for good.
time and patience will do wonders, i have heard stories of parrots going through extreme abuse and neglect and then becoming the sweetest most lovable baby in the world :). Just don't give up, it sounds like you are off to a great start, your mom will see how great she will be :). You did a great thing taking her in, good luck :)!
you are lucky. I hope to rescue an african grey myself. you will have to keep us posted on how things go so ill know some tricks to try.
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