Happy Thanksgiving


Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
I just wanted to wish all of the American Members here a very


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Enjoy the day, pig out, spend time with loved ones, watch some football (or some parades) and most importantly:

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This has always been my favorite Thanksgiving day picture.
Hope you all have a good one, I know my birds are licking their chops over all the fixin's they are going to get today:)
I wish everyone happy holiday as well.

BUT I have to say that

I think thanksgiving is a strange holiday. I think that's great that the Native Americans saved our ancestors by offering them food but what a way to show thanks, by killing them and then many years later celebrating it. Not to mention all of the poor turkeys that are being tube fed so they can be fattened up for human consumption. YUCK... AMERICANS ARE STRANGE.

Never the less I do enjoy the time off and the extra time with the family:}
Thanksgiving really doesn't have much to do with the indians at all. It was started as a celebration thanking God for protecting them and leading them to the new land so they can worship as they please and not as the church of England mandated. That's all. Today's culture won't tell you that and makes it into a big indian pilgrim thing because pop culture wan't to take God out of everything, but you just can't deny He had a hand on getting this country started.
Wow, what a downer, Rock. I'm the half empty glass type but at least Thanksgiving is a good excuse to get drunk.
Hope you all enjoyed your time off work, while I had to slave away at a computer. Oh well Christmas holidays in less then a month. Tex the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, but you do have that Irish in you so thats a good excuse.
Turkey eating and Native American killing sorry but that's not me being down. It is what it is. I didn't make it up.

NOW Drinking, I never need an excuse or a holiday for that one :)

Trace what a bummer that you had to work:{

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