Heeeeeelp! Was just given a Galah!


New member
Jun 25, 2012
NSW, Australia
Loco & Roco, Jenday Conure brothers.
A relative just literally DUMPED a galah (rose breasted cockatoo) on my door step because they are moving and donā€™t want him, I didnā€™t even know they had him. Heā€™s a year old and is apparently ā€œtame and cuddlyā€. I have no idea what to do with a galah, I have him in the spare room away from my two birds at the moment. He seems wary of meā€¦ I am not sure if I should keep him or not. I have never been one to turn away a bird in need, but I know very little about keeping a galah.

Can all the galah owners please give me some tips!? Are they known to be nice birds? Should I keep him or find a new home for him? He is very cute... very pink. Seems cautions of me at the moment. Are galahs quick or slow to warm up to people if their previous owner is gone? What should I do? Does anyone have any info on their diets?

Just wondering.....dont you have them all around Australia ?
Like New York has pigeons , I thought Australia had Galahs....

Like any TOO , they can be a handful. They are more independent then say the Goffin or the Eleanor. Mine is a rehome and she is awesome but she is still a little nippy with us , but she was with her original owner and thats fine with us. She isn't a cuddly bird , far from it , but a pleasure to be around. she isn't noisy at all , maybe when she gets excited , but other then that , she doesn't scream at all. She does have a shrill kind of whistle .
But it isn't really bad at all , others may have different opinions though :)
I find my girl loves anything and everything to eat , so I have to be careful if I leave anything laying around she might find enticing , lol. And now that she can fly , theres no stopping her from stealing something off someones plate :)

Anyway , Breathe ! Read up on Galahs , you will find them awesome , beautiful birds that are a joy to be around.
Definitely keep him away from your birds till you either get him to a vet for a wellness visit or find out more about his background ,like the last vet visit , blood results , etc...
Then ask about his diet and keep him on the same unless its not a nutritious one , change it slowly...and lots of fruit , veggies ,etc....( no french fries , lol )

Does he have a big enough cage ? Are his wings clipped ? can't be too safe.
Wouldn't want any surprises when you do take him out of his cage.
Please post pictures , we would love to see him , whats his name ?
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Thanks for the info! We have them everywhere in the wild, yes, but I don't know them on a pet level. They are clowns in the wild, very fun to watch, but not tame by any means. Not even tame enough to throw seed to, they do come for seed on the veranda though.

His name is Zeus, not sure if he knows it or not...

His wings are clipped, quite badly, looks like a rough job. Will work on getting some pics!
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His cage is not big enough, he dumped him in a cocky cage (small rusty thing), am going to use a spare cage I have for now.
Chewbaca chews everything, starting with the most expensive. I tied one of my old belts on their playstand, and she has had hours of entertainment from it. Our fids are not caged. When she's not chewing or preening, she's sleeping, or on me. She's not very loud, but had a squawking time going to sleep tonight for some reason. She sleeps beside Greybeard nice as you please.

Wife paid a large $$$$ for her, and regrets it near every day, what with bites and chewed slippers and other clothing and things.


The raised claw is saying, "Pick me up."
The Galah reminds me a lot of Goffin's 'too, although, I've never met a galah. I'm judging from pictures only. They look very close to the same size, true? If the galah has a personality any where close to a Goffin's...you are in for a fun ride!
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Does your wife regret spending the money only because of the damage to items and clothes? I am not worried about that has have trained my birds to stay off the lounge and my boys chews holes in my top but I wear my "birdy" clothes around the house.
What beautiful babies PortaPerch !!!
Galah's are nice birds they seek love and attention if rised right i couldn't tell you what there like if untame because i have never come across one that bites growls etc but if it seems fine with you being around im sure things will work out for you
I know Galahs are prone to fatty Tumours, so must not be given too many foods containing fat and no Sunflower Seeds! A well balanced diet with plenty of Fruit and Veggies.

If you are not used to a Cockatoo, just be aware of how different they are to your Conures... They are very Active Birds and if you dont watch them constantly they will destroy everything in site!! so lots of toys to keep them amused, especially, Wood and foraging Toys, basically, anything that they can pull apart :) They can be loud when they want to be as, any Bird can! but having said all this, they are adorable Birds if you can keep up with them!

Good Luck with him... Keep us updated as to how you are doing with him :)
"Does your wife regret spending the money only because of the damage to items and clothes?"

She doesn't regret the money as much as the commitment to take this critter on for life. I regret the money. Yes, due solely to damage.


I have yet to try the birdcam, as it takes 4 D cells, which I don't remember to buy. Dunno yet what I'll use it for.
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My two are very destructive, it just takes them longer, lol. I can take my eye off them for a minutre before they get into trouble. I assume with a bigger/stronger bird you can't even for 10 seconds.

He has shown more personality this morning, let me pet him through the cage. Do you think I should open the cage and ask him to come out or let him come out by himself now?
theres no harm in offering, see if he comes out and go from there, just take it slow :)
I had a wonderful Galah. He loved sitting on you and having cuddles. Never bit any of us and there was 2X 3year old boys constantly putting fingers in the cage or proving and poking the bird himself. He wasn't really noisy either, would just chatter away to himself. would say "Hello" and shout "Mam" he would have a call at sundown but thats the noisy part of the day in our house, when everyone is coming in from work and getting ready for tea/dinner. But I never noticed any ear piercing screeches/screams. We unfortunately lost him as one of the boys opened the front door when he was on the playstand. I shouted of my son to shut the for and I scared him into flight, out the door he went. (He was clipped but a gust of wind got him and he was gone)

The only reason I have not got another Galah is because they are very popular here in Western Australia and there are not many breeders. So its a long waiting list.

They are prone to Fatty tumours, so it is better to feed them pellets and no seed. Like other birdies plenty of fruit and Veg. :)

I have attached a pic of our beautiful Saffie.


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Does anyone have any tips of threads with info on raising a cockatoo properly? I don't want him to become proned to screaming of needyness...
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I had a wonderful Galah. He loved sitting on you and having cuddles. Never bit any of us and there was 2X 3year old boys constantly putting fingers in the cage or proving and poking the bird himself. He wasn't really noisy either, would just chatter away to himself. would say "Hello" and shout "Mam" he would have a call at sundown but thats the noisy part of the day in our house, when everyone is coming in from work and getting ready for tea/dinner. But I never noticed any ear piercing screeches/screams. We unfortunately lost him as one of the boys opened the front door when he was on the playstand. I shouted of my son to shut the for and I scared him into flight, out the door he went. (He was clipped but a gust of wind got him and he was gone)

The only reason I have not got another Galah is because they are very popular here in Western Australia and there are not many breeders. So its a long waiting list.

They are prone to Fatty tumours, so it is better to feed them pellets and no seed. Like other birdies plenty of fruit and Veg. :)

I have attached a pic of our beautiful Saffie.
I'm so sorry he got out, what a sad story. birds getting out break my heart. ):

thank you for the info, galahs sound like such good birds.
Porta perch, you said you paid a fortune for your galah, can I ask how much they cost in your area? Here is Oz they are everywhere! I could buy a baby for around $100.

It was galahs that first made me fall in love with parrots. They are so funny and loving. Really cheecky characters! I love cockatoos as well but funnily enough even though they are all around me I never thought of getting one as a pet.

We have a picnic ground about 15 mins from home where alot of wild native birds come and you can hand feed them, it is an awesome experience as some days there are hundreds of them and if you have any seed you will be covered in cockatoos and galahs! The rosella's tend to grab the scraps on the ground .
http://www.grantsonsherbrooke.com.au/ Here is a link.
My Son is Australia at the moment working for a year... He keeps sending me pics of all the Galahs :) He is enthralled by them all!

Galahs are very pricey here in the UK.. I had one quite a few years ago now and I paid Ā£900.00 for her !

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