Hello Everyone, Your Babies Are Beautiful!


New member
Aug 7, 2018
Upstate New York
None yet! Maybe in 5 years or so once I've got a house to call my own.
Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums here and stumbled upon this forum in my quest to find information on how to properly take care of our feathered friends. I've always wanted to have a bird ever since I saw the movie Jurassic Park oddly enough as a kid. They've always fascinated me as well as other animals and I often find myself going to local animal shelters in my free time. It helps that my girlfriend is currently in school to become a veterinary technician to make some of these outings.

I've really come to this website because I want to gather as much knowledge about owning one of these majestic creatures as I can before actually taking on the responsibility. I've just finished with my Master's program in Accounting and have landed a job where I can really begin to save to be able to properly take care of these animals. My girlfriend still has two years of school to go, but she will be moving in with me this coming week actually! I don't really intend on adding someone new to the family for at least the next 3-5 years while I look for homes or still may transfer to a new state for a better job. Definitely want to be in a stable position with all the space my birdie could ever need!

Some important info about us is that neither of us have ever grown up with any birds in our homes. My family was more of a cat friendly home where as hers was always with dogs. Another reason why I want to learn as much as I can before really making a commitment to become a bird owner. I'd also like to make a note that I do have a pet kitty that's been with me for 2 years now named Dougie. He's a super friendly cat that's always gotten along with every person and animal he's ever come across. He's turning 4 years old this November!

I look forward to being an active member in this community! :blue1::red1:
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I already like your style. You sound outgoing, open-minded, and caring.
For now, I'd advise just reading, learning, enjoying!
You sound like ideal prospective parronts.
I'm glad you found us. :)
Welcome to the best place to learn and also make friends! Advance research is very wise. Taking on a bird is a big responsibility and it sounds like you know that.

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I already like your style. You sound outgoing, open-minded, and caring.
For now, I'd advise just reading, learning, enjoying!
You sound like ideal prospective parronts.
I'm glad you found us. :)

Thank you! I definitely want to be prepared for something like this, looking forward to all there is to know!:)
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Thank you! And that's what I've seen wherever I've looked for information. Mistakes happen when you don't know any better and I'm going to avoid as many as possible by really putting the work forward.
Hi and welcome! Reading through these forums as a new bird owner has provided me with so much knowledge; it's an excellent resource! We've always been dog owners at my home as well, but once I got my little parrotlet last year I was hooked. I wound up with an eclectus one year later :rolleyes:

My kids LOVE Jurassic Park, and just came back from the newest one talking about how much the dinosaurs resemble Junior, our eclectus! They really are fascinating creatures! What kind of bird are you thinking about getting?
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  • #7
Hi and welcome! Reading through these forums as a new bird owner has provided me with so much knowledge; it's an excellent resource! We've always been dog owners at my home as well, but once I got my little parrotlet last year I was hooked. I wound up with an eclectus one year later :rolleyes:

My kids LOVE Jurassic Park, and just came back from the newest one talking about how much the dinosaurs resemble Junior, our eclectus! They really are fascinating creatures! What kind of bird are you thinking about getting?

Haha that's so nice to hear, I'm glad the little guys enjoyed the movie :) In our visits to the locally owned pet shops, we've come across an Umbrella Cockatoo that belongs to the owner of the shop that is the sweetest thing we've ever come across. We are always going back to visit and play with her, she's taken quite the liking to us. I swear she is like a puppy bird hybrid, so that was our original idea.

We've also been spending some time with a few of the macaws that the store took in as well. Most of them have already been adopted, but the two that really had the most special place in my heart was a Blue and Gold Macaw and a Greenwing Macaw.

I know. Starting off with birds like those after never having had birds in the past?! It's going to be quite the learning experience, but that's why we really want to have a solid foundation on the do's and don'ts to really make sure we provide the best home and care for these amazing creatures. Getting them both at the same time is most likely not ideal, we do want them to bond with each other but sometimes that really is entirely up to the birds, or at least one of them. We'll probably start off with just one though, we'd be 100% satisfied if we only ever had the one, but for now we are comfortable with the idea of having two somewhere down the line.

It's a long time coming, but hopefully with the help of people on this forum as well as my girlfriend's experience in school and all the pet shops around we will be ready. :blue1::red1:
Welcome to you! This is a great place to gather info, ask questions and learn from others experiences.... I’m so glad that you are planning in advance :). Have you considered volunteering at a rescue or other organization that needs help and has birds? I started doing volunteering after I got my birds, but it has given me the opportunity to interact with so many different species. The experience I’ve gained there has been invaluable to me, and it has built me a bit of a network of bird-oriented people.
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Welcome to you! This is a great place to gather info, ask questions and learn from others experiences.... I’m so glad that you are planning in advance :). Have you considered volunteering at a rescue or other organization that needs help and has birds? I started doing volunteering after I got my birds, but it has given me the opportunity to interact with so many different species. The experience I’ve gained there has been invaluable to me, and it has built me a bit of a network of bird-oriented people.

I'd definitely get a lot of hands-on experience by doing that. I'll totally check it out! Might even find the bird that chooses me in the process as time moves forward haha :)
Welcome to you! This is a great place to gather info, ask questions and learn from others experiences.... I’m so glad that you are planning in advance :). Have you considered volunteering at a rescue or other organization that needs help and has birds? I started doing volunteering after I got my birds, but it has given me the opportunity to interact with so many different species. The experience I’ve gained there has been invaluable to me, and it has built me a bit of a network of bird-oriented people.

I'd definitely get a lot of hands-on experience by doing that. I'll totally check it out! Might even find the bird that chooses me in the process as time moves forward haha :)

One of my birds followed me home from the rescue lol, so it’s definitely a possibility :)
Welcome to the forums! Your approach, goals, and expectations are wonderful and well reasoned!

I believe you'll find an abundance of information within this site. Spending time at shelters, rescues, and specialized pet shops will prove an amazing experience.
LOL, nice going you two!
(or three, counting your cat)

Your parrot will find you (maybe even sooner that you think).
It's great you have experience in translating to other species- that always helps!

(and yes, I love the Jurassic Park dinoos too, there is not that much difference in the T-rex chomping down and my macaw playing -chasing and paunching her toys-. I always suspected at least one of the cgi-people to be a parrot-enthousiast.)
Hi and welcome, ive been here for a year now and the knowledge is amazing and the people are all great from what I have seen. I actually think im the grumpiest on the forum ;)

One thing id like you to think about is...

You guys are clearly still young with your life ahead of you, your life will take various ups and downs (hopefully far more ups!) so please consider that the reality is that you will have a great companion tagging along with this ride. You do lose the spontanuity in your life, just as you would do with a child, so unless you have friends or family that are equally happy to look after your bird at short notice, or better still you choose your activities that can include the bird, you may feel restricted. Im not to sure I could have given this commitment at your age but everybody is different.

Wish you all the luck in your quest, parrots really are special life long friends.
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  • #15
LOL, nice going you two!
(or three, counting your cat)

Your parrot will find you (maybe even sooner that you think).
It's great you have experience in translating to other species- that always helps!

(and yes, I love the Jurassic Park dinoos too, there is not that much difference in the T-rex chomping down and my macaw playing -chasing and paunching her toys-. I always suspected at least one of the cgi-people to be a parrot-enthousiast.)

Hahaha I am glad we share opinions about Jurassic Park. And at least one had to of been. Probably spent a good deal of time with a whole lot of birds to get all the movements down.
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  • #16
Hi and welcome, ive been here for a year now and the knowledge is amazing and the people are all great from what I have seen. I actually think im the grumpiest on the forum ;)

One thing id like you to think about is...

You guys are clearly still young with your life ahead of you, your life will take various ups and downs (hopefully far more ups!) so please consider that the reality is that you will have a great companion tagging along with this ride. You do lose the spontanuity in your life, just as you would do with a child, so unless you have friends or family that are equally happy to look after your bird at short notice, or better still you choose your activities that can include the bird, you may feel restricted. Im not to sure I could have given this commitment at your age but everybody is different.

Wish you all the luck in your quest, parrots really are special life long friends.

Oh of course, I've already had that conversation with my girlfriend, parents, and many of the friends around me that having this responsibility would be right next to having a child and that it would change my life completely. I 100% expect this guy to be with me well into my 70s and hopefully 80s! Time will tell.

I've never been one to go out very much, it's honestly a rare occurrence when I do. I've always been more of a homie kind of person that only goes out if I need to. I'd want to be able to have my bird tag along with my for these small excursions to get him some fresh air and out of the house with me.

Besides that, I do enjoy hikes and the outdoors and one of my goals with my bird is to properly train with him for free flight. I'll be looking into more information on training tonight for that, I've come to find that there are several professionals that provide training classes all around.

I do want to wait until my "aggressive" years at work make their pass. I want to be able to do as much as I can and secure a very stable job before picking one of these guys up. This could mean jumping from one company to another, switching apartments, etc. I'd like to have my sites set on sticking to an area before I make the commitment with a bird as complex as these. Told myself I shouldn't get one until I make it to Florida, in Upstate New York right now so I've got a lot of miles to make haha.

All in all, I'd really like to be as inclusive as possible when it comes to activities I can bring my bird along for.
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  • #17
Welcome to the forums! Your approach, goals, and expectations are wonderful and well reasoned!

I believe you'll find an abundance of information within this site. Spending time at shelters, rescues, and specialized pet shops will prove an amazing experience.

Hi Scott!

I've seen a lot of people who watch a few bird videos and get super excited that immediately go out to get one even though they have no experience or knowledge of the animals whatsoever.

I certainly do not want to fall into that category and will do my best to keep it that way haha.

Welcome to the forums! Your approach, goals, and expectations are wonderful and well reasoned!

I believe you'll find an abundance of information within this site. Spending time at shelters, rescues, and specialized pet shops will prove an amazing experience.

Hi Scott!

I've seen a lot of people who watch a few bird videos and get super excited that immediately go out to get one even though they have no experience or knowledge of the animals whatsoever.

I certainly do not want to fall into that category and will do my best to keep it that way haha.


You are welcome! So many re-homed parrots are the product of impulse purchases.

You mentioned free-flight, an endeavor with many rewards but fraught with risk. Another method is a strap-on carrier allowing your bird outdoors time with you:
Hi Serga!

I love how determined you are to learn and give good, long, deep consideration before making the leap to Parronthood. We all like to refer to our birds as our children, and while I'm sure we all agree that a human child and a feathered child are not truly the same (teenage parrots are way better, no cars to buy or college to pay for!), they are more alike than non-Parronts could understand. Especially true for the larger, longer-lived birds like Macaws and Cockatoos. I've got a Green Cheek Conure and he has changed our lives more than I EVER EVER EVER would have imagined.

I don't mean ANY of that as a bad thing, quite the contrary! My husband and I are unlikely to ever have kids, and we're home-bodies also. My family are all across the country and he's an only-child. We're best friends so we don't really have any other people in our lives at all really. My husband is allergic to cats and dogs, so when I wanted a pet we decided on a parrot. I hoped for a pet that would allow me to hold and interact with them, I've had reptile pets before but they just tolerate attention at best.

Yoda is truly more like having a child than a dog would be. His attachment to us is above and beyond anything I've ever seen from any other animal. I've never seen any other animal that would choose being with US over eating even his most favorite food. He pines for us when we're not nearby, he talks to us, he snuggles and kisses and plays with us. He's such a joy, I can't possibly express it in words.

In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with going straight to the big leagues and having your first and only bird be a Macaw or cockatoo. As long as you fully understand what you are getting into first, which you clearly intend to.

We keep Yoda untrimmed and fully flighted, however he isn't harnessed trained so we don't take him outside except in his travel cage. If you want your Macaw/whatever to be fully flighted, I think that's a fabulous idea, but of course you'd need to work on that harness training if you would like to have your Fid go hiking or on walks or whatever. Not a problem, plenty of people on these forums have done so and can give plenty of help on that. :) I have read most CAV's and parrot experts feel that parrots are happier, healthier and more confident if they are allowed to remain fully flighted. The aerobic exercise they get from flying is difficult to match in any other way if the bird's wings are trimmed. On the flip side, you have to be sure your home is kept safe for a bird to fly around on his own. Yoda is never left on his own outside the cage, he's always right near us when he's out. Also, keep in mind that the bigger the bird is, the more destruction they can cause to your home and possessions. Also, the bigger the bird, the bigger the poop. When Yoda poops on the floor or on my shirt, it's the size of a chocolate chip, easy to clean up. Macaws are much.... MUCH bigger.

Anyhoo, welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy and share with us your story if and when you add a parrot to your family. :)

Fun fact: evidence indicates that dinosaurs are more closely related to birds than reptiles (not including crocodiles which are also closer to birds than say, iguanas).

Another fun fact: Turtles are also closer to birds than other reptiles. Wacky, huh?

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