Hello from Montreal!


New member
Oct 19, 2015
My name is Nancy. I am mom to 3 children, 2 cats, 2 dogs and 6 birds: 4 budgies, 1 bourke parakeet and 1 cockatiel.

I'm looking to add 2 new birds to our family: conures! I'm new to conures world so I hope I will find other conures owners around here.

I allready post in the conure section as I'm in total indecision about my specie's choice.

Sorry for my English by the way, my native langage is French :)
Hello Nancy and welcome! My hubby is also from Quebec and French is his first language as well. Your English is wonderful, no need to apologize!
So glad you joined us!
Welcome Nancy! Sounds like you already have a sweet flock, conures should be a nice addition.

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