Hello from South Australia


New member
Jan 25, 2011
Williamstown, South Australia
Rainbow Lorikeet
Hi everyone .. so pleased to have found some help on line!

I'm a tad embarassed actually. I fell for the age old trap - impulse buying at a pet shop. I know better than this and can't quite get why this little parrot got to me so fast but what's done is done.

I did ask all the right questions in terms of care and how these little guys are best kept - I can see I just wasn't given all the right answers. :mad:

It would seem that after reading some of your threads, I will need a larger cage after all. Just as well I love shopping! :p

So here we are - I am a proud new owner of an adorable 3 month old Rainbow Lorikeet...and just a tad smitten with the little chap ... ahh lass? Not sure what to call her - him ... :rainbow1:

He's still young so for a little while the cage will be fine. It's about 18" x 25" tall (much bigger than his cage in the shop) and I did ask if my cage would be big enough. Hohum :31:

I have him/her on a prepared nectar mix for now and it took a little while for him/her to feed out of this bowl but that seems sorted now. I have also been offering some apple which seems to be a hit. I am looking forward to learning what else this new friend would enjoy ...

I do have dogs (5 Bernese Mountain Dogs) and while my new feathered friend is allowed out of his cage, it's only when all dogs are outside. They seem genuinely interested in their new housemate...but I will not aim to guess whether that interest is good or bad.

I also have 3 horses, 5 pet sheep, 1 cat (she is terrified of birds), 2 seahorses and a partridge in a pear tree! (only kidding about the partridge)

We live on 14 acres at the base of the hills in the Barossa Valley in South Australia. These birds are wild in these areas.

I paid (don't laugh at me please) $250.00 AU for my :rainbow1: - I was told this bird was hand raised. He's (I can't help referring to it as a he) very friendly and loves to come out for a play. I did ask the shop owner whether they do okay as a sole bird and was told they are best on their own. Hmm...now I am not so sure. Certainly until I get a larger cage, this will be a solo ride for him.

I'll have lost of questions as time goes on - just wanted to introduce myself and get my head around the back tracking I'll need to do.

I am smitten though ... already fallen in love.

Kind Regards
Andrea - South Australia
Hey Andrea

I am like you with a petshop lorikeet. Which I didn't buy my daughter and her friends did. I am not happy as Atticus the bird was 4 weeks old and unweaned and I have to feed him every few hours!!!!!

Glad to meet another Aussies :) Does it help if I say I know Lyn Brand here in Sydney. See her at shows occasionally. I won't get over to SA until 2013 when we have our GSD National there!!

Looking forward to swapping lorikeet information with you.

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I know Lyn ... the Bernese community is tiny. :cool:

I haven't been overly active in the show ring for the last few years or so. I lost my son in 2004 and while I tried to keep up the momentum, I found my resilence to a host of things I did before he died was different. I do think you have to make like a duck in the dog world ... let things wash off quickly - don't take things to heart. :(

Anyway ... I'm hoping this year to get out a little when the cooler weather comes along.

I'm still at a loss what to call my Lorikeet ... it's so hard when you really don't know whether its a boy or girl. I'm really tempted to send that feather off just so I know!

I'm now looking at new cages ... ! The one I have is brand new. My partner brought home an injured magpie in November. We bought this big cage for him so his wing could mend. When he was feeling better we transferred him into a the puppy pen (no pups in there of course) so he could exercise his wings without getting too far. He was released on Jan 8th - he flew beautifully and seems he's now joined a family of local magpies.

Anyway - so getting a bird was something I was thinking about because we had this lovely new cage that was doing nothing. I have always loved the wild Rainbow Lorikeets. Of course the rest is history now ...

The funniest thing is really - that jolly cage will still be empty once I get a new one. Although ... I am thinking that I can use it as a 2nd cage. This one is in the office with me now and I spend most of my time in here (I work from home) ... so maybe the new cage will be more mobile and bigger but maybe my bird needs an office cage -- ??? :rolleyes:
:grey:hi down there welcome i from england but have relatives in australia we too went out one day and came back with 2 afican greys:grey: x a 6 footplus cage :) the couple we got them from were going to live in austraila.we love our babies to bits they said they were a pair?no paper work but 8 yrs on x she is sitting on eggs fingers crossed :) wow u have a great amount of pets sounds like your new little man will have a fun time meeting them all :D poppy x
Welcome and congrats on the new addition to your flock... I love Bernese Mountain Dogs, a friend many many years ago had one.. he fell in love with them when he was stationed in Germany back in the 60's.

I am sure the right name will come to you. Post some pictures.. we all love pictures.
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Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

I'm just loving this critter - more and more every day. What a hoot he is ... and I have no idea if he is a 'he' at all, but given the character, I've decided even if he's a she, she's got balls! hehehehe

So at this point I have named him Ozzy ... he's an Australian bird and he came home the day before Australia Day.

He has no fear of the dogs at all - they sniff his cage and he promptly runs to them with his tongue sticking out trying to get a taste of each one. The dogs are of course curious but also know when Mum has a new friend - they are to be calm and respectful. It's not the first time I've had a small critter (mostly rescues that were injured) where they are allowed to watch on but as soon as they get up and approach, they are asked to leave.

He's quite safe on my shoulder. I'm always alert though .. should he decide to fly down, I have to be on the ball. It's all in training I hope ... because I don't want him stuck in that cage too much. My dogs also live inside so all need to co-habit.

It's funny when Ozzy lets out a few loud squarks ... usually in protest of being left alone in the office. All 5 dogs run in there to see what's up. I reckon it won't be long before he trains them to come. :)

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