Hello from Virginia


New member
May 5, 2021
Centreville Virginia,USA
Green naped lorikeet-Pepper
Hey everyone... my name is Lilly - from northern VA. My guy is a lovely green naped lorikeet named Pepper. I’ve seen quite a few posts here regarding purchasing a lorikeet or another type of bird and I can tell y’all right now that they are definitely a very different type of bird. Messy, playful, talkative, irresistible! Pepper needs a lot of attention but he’s a very quick learner and very trainable! He’s more like a cat/dog than a bird... except he says com’ere over and over until you come here!
Welcome to the forums, Lilly! Lots of great folks around, happy to share knowledge and ideas. Do you by chance have pictures of your little Pepper?

Another one of our moderators, LaManuka, has a purple crowned lorikeet, coincidentally named Lilly! Or, officially... Her Royal Highness, Princess Lilly Pilly. Very appropriate for her personality! :)
Yeeeeeeeeessssssss, and quite the little terrorist she is too!!

Welcome to the Forums to another lorikeet victim....erm....owner. They are very definitely a species apart, are they not??!! We would like some pics of Pepper too please whenever you are able.......


Thanks for joining, we are pleased to have you aboard!
Welcome!!@ will be fun to hear about your journey with Pepper
Welcome and be welcomed.

If you feel Pepper is trainable, see some of Salty's parrot trick videos, link below. Once they get in the habit of learning new things, there is literally not much they can't learn.
Hi Lilly! I’m Inger and I’m about to be from Northern Virginia. Do you have a good CAV and can you recommend a pet store that had good bird food and stuff?

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