Help me stick a wooden bird nest to the white frame of double glazing.


New member
Mar 26, 2015
I have birdies that visit me each day and now that winter is coming I want to offer them a nest to rest in. They aren't parrots, they're little birds but you guys are nice so help me.

What do I use to stick the wooden nest to the plastic frame or something?

oh and I don't keep the nest outside, it's on the inside but there's a hole that birds can fly through to reach the nest.
Hmmm... seems like something along these lines might be good:

I don't know that letting the birds in your house is a wise choice. Not only can wild birds carry diseases and parasites, but you don't want to make wild birds too well fed or comfortable in the winter or they will stay in areas not suitable for them in the winter months instead of moving on to where they should be going. I think hanging something on the outside of the window for shelter would be a much better and more natural option to provide a shelter for your friends to rest in:)
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What part of I have a nest didn't you understand? They will fly through the hole and reach the nest, not my house. Plus these are sparrows. They can't be THAT dangerous.

I already have the nest. I want to know what to use on the outside to glue it to the plastic.
What part of I have a nest didn't you understand? They will fly through the hole and reach the nest, not my house. Plus these are sparrows. They can't be THAT dangerous.

I already have the nest. I want to know what to use on the outside to glue it to the plastic.

Wow...I read your post as having it inside as well.
And sparrows are wild birds who can carry all sorts of parasites and diseases as April mentioned.
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The nest will be on the inside but there's no chance they will get inside my home. The nest will be on the inside of the home lol. I'm really not sure if you guys read what I type letter by letter or sentence by sentence. That could help things up. Sorry if I sound angry, but I'm just saying things.
What part of I have a nest didn't you understand? They will fly through the hole and reach the nest, not my house. Plus these are sparrows. They can't be THAT dangerous.

I already have the nest. I want to know what to use on the outside to glue it to the plastic.

Interesting response!
What part of I have a nest didn't you understand? They will fly through the hole and reach the nest, not my house. Plus these are sparrows. They can't be THAT dangerous.

I already have the nest. I want to know what to use on the outside to glue it to the plastic.

Careful, your nest may attract sparrows or drones that appear as sparrows. The U.S. Department of Defense is creating a host of drones that mimic life forms such as birds, snakes, and spiders. Such drones may enter your nest and drill a hole through the structure to snoop about your house.
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I don't live in the US at all. I just don't want to believe that there's not one f****** person on this planet who hasn't found a method to stick wood to plastic.
I'm sorry but this post is confusing. You want to make a nest for birds to stay in on the inside of your house but not in your house and it's not your house but the birds already nest there. that is how it is reading to many of us and is becoming confusing. Also insulting people and swearing isn't going to get you help. Just saying. Reading through what you write before posting it and reading it from the point of view of someone who doesn't understand what you want will help make things easier to understand.

What I read in the first post is that you would like make a nest for birds inside a wall correct? At least that's how it comes across, or do you mean inside a double glazed window? owing to the sticking to plastic frame thing. If you're going for the second option you're just going to ruin the window's insulation like that.

As for what the others have said Sparrows can carry disease (salmonella being the top one) along with other stuff, it goes hand in hand with a wild creature. You'd also be surprised at how easy a small creature can get in the house especially if they're permitted through the outermost wall.

As for just sticking some wood to some plastic all you need is some strong glue, but depending on what your plan is it would be easier to just leave it and just have some feeders up
The best thing would be waterproof glue to stick wood to plastic, it will form a bond strong enough to hold your nest.
What part of I have a nest didn't you understand?

LOL. With that kind of attitude, what makes you think people will want to help further?

I don't live in the US at all. I just don't want to believe that there's not one f****** person on this planet who hasn't found a method to stick wood to plastic.

There certainly are methods to affix wood to plastic, but I know I'm not interested in helping someone with the above attitude problem any further.
I don't live in the US at all. I just don't want to believe that there's not one f****** person on this planet who hasn't found a method to stick wood to plastic.

You'll want to be really careful not to stick your fingers to the glue when affixing birdhouse to window. Otherwise all manner of wild animals will swoop in for the feast.


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