help with biting parrot


New member
Feb 1, 2015
Hi I have got a 15 month old blue and gold macow I have had him a week he will go to my miss she can rub him he will scream for her and is good for her but no one can get near him we can hand feed him ok but you can not put a hand on him I can rub his beak some times he will get on me to get to the miss but that's it how can we sort this as I have kids and need him to get on with us pleas help thanks

Ps I am dislektik so spelling is a bit bad


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Nanday, suns, parrotlet, Patagonian
Welcome to the forums Scooby, hope you enjoy your stay.....

If you read enough of our posts, I think you'll find a whole lot of our members have difficulties with their spelling, even me, at times.....many of us let our fingers get in front of our eye teeth so we can't see what we're saying, so I don't think you should be concerned about little spelling problems.....

Sounds like your wife/girlfriend may have already garnered favor with your new feathered friend and being new to bird-dom, you've done what almost all of us have done...equated a companion bird with other pets we've had and made some erroneous assumptions.....

When we bring a new bird into our lives, the bird leaves behind everything it knew about humans and being a companion are these new humans sticking their hands in my cage, trying to get me to do things I may not know about or we go again, hands always grabbing at me.....

Just because you're feeding it, giving it water & providing it a perch, it does not know you, does not know the sounds of its new home, does not know the humans or other animals living in your home. Be patient & give your new friend time to get used to its new surroundings, quit trying to grab/handle it, don't chase it, talk softly around it & instead of expecting it to do on your schedule, you should meet it on its schedule and terms.....

You might want to give this link a read was written by one of our other members:

Good luck.....


New member
Jul 29, 2014
GW Macaw-Sailor, Goffins Cockatoo Mako, GC Conure-Tazzy, Turquoise Conure Yuki, Budgies-Percy, Annabeth, Elsa
We're having the same problem at my house with our new conure. I can handle him fine but he really tries to get a hold of anyone else right now and when he does, oh boy! My daughter picked him up today with a gloved hand and he bit her hard enough through it to make her bleed just a little which caused hurt feelings and tears. She doesn't understand why he lets me handle him and not her. I keep trying to tell everyone I am the one home all day, feeding him. He trusts me because my hands have moved careful and slow and offered many treats. I don't get grabby with him, don't force him to do anything he doesn't want to do. I wait for him to let me know he wants up on me, I offer my hand and either he steps towards it or he backs away. If he backs away I leave him alone. Food, patience, time, and letting him make his own decisions have won me the bird. A lot of the time was spent bent down to his level, talking to him softly and sweetly eye to eye and he would just watch me like he was slowly realizing I meant no harm. Everyone else is trying a little too forcefully and expecting fast results. It just doesn't happen that way. It took me two weeks of constant treats and time with him-and trying to get near him on his terms until he stopped trying to bite me to draw blood. Now we're best buds. The rest of the household will get it eventually, if they'll listen and keep doing what worked for me. It won't come as fast to anyone who isn't home as much-it'll take more time.

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