Hey from Cali


New member
May 17, 2009
Hello I haven't really been into the whole forum thing but Im trying now. haha Well my name is Chris and I have an African Grey named Floyd. I've had it for about 8 years and I love her/him to death. I also have another one that my father gave em which is green with a red crown and extremely loud and aggressive. His name is Paulie. I started on this forum cuz Floyd just got a little piece of dust in its eye so Im very worried so I left a thread in question and answers seeking help. Thank You and can't wait to start becoming part of this community. :D
Hey Chris, sorry the "welcome wagon" was a little slow in getting here! Welcome to the forum, you should find a lot of great info here, and this is a pretty cool forum to start with ... we're a pretty likable bunch!
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Yea I've noticed I'm going to buy some books about parrots to brush up on, so I can help with other people here too.:D
Books, in the parrot world just as in the academic world, have a great amount of "theoretical" information, how things SHOULD work ... nothing can compare to getting some real "hands-on" experience ...

If you really want to gain a lot of knowledge, volunteer with a local bird rescue and interact with all types of birds and THAT is where you really learn your stuff.
I'd second that; particularly in the animal world hands on experience is far more important that anything you'll find in a book.

That being said, gaining some of the 'theoretical' knowledge on the subject you'll be more well equipped to make observations. If someone knows nothing of a subject they don't even know what to observe and what is important. After reading lots of stuff you can go look for what you read about, and after a few minutes observation you can conclude "that guy who wrote that book was all wrong!" :D

So I'm all for reading up on things to train your eyes to know what to look for - but until you go look for yourself it doesn't mean all that much.
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Also when it comes to books on animals: there are many good ones - there are many many more worthless ones. Animals are a subject which everyone thinks they have something important to say when so few people do, and now-a-days any idiot with a computer can get published.... speaking of which, I should get back to work writing my review article :eek:

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