Hey I'm grassy!


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Red-Rumped parrots
Fishcer lovebird
Hey everyone,
I'm obviously new here.
I currenty own Red-Rumped parrots
Fishcer lovebird &
If you own or want to talk about the following don't hesitate
Cheers :)
Welcome to the forum, Grassy. I have always loved redrumped parakeets, they are so pleasant and colorful. I really prefer the natural color to the mutations I have seen (lutino and blue). They are so vibrant in person, like scarlet chesteds and tourquosines. Pictures have a herd time doing them justice, but we would love to see some pics of yours and your other birds.
Welcome to the Parrot Forums!!! We love to see pics around here so post as many as you like! :D
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Welcome to the forum, Grassy. I have always loved redrumped parakeets, they are so pleasant and colorful. I really prefer the natural color to the mutations I have seen (lutino and blue). They are so vibrant in person, like scarlet chesteds and tourquosines. Pictures have a herd time doing them justice, but we would love to see some pics of yours and your other birds.

Yer thanks Zarafia, They are awesome birds. i currently possess the natural color mutation but the lutino, blue & opaline are pretty as well. They are vibrant in person as well but unfortunantly, as you probably know, they are quite aggresive towards other birds & well, i guess see them a intruders. i will try & upload some pics of them on this forum :)
Actually Grassy some of the redrumped keets I have owned have gotten along with cockatiels, but this was a large colony of tiels together in a huge walk-in cage. Always just a pair or single redrump with the big flock of tiels. However I also had a redrump X rosella hybrid who got on great with the tiels but would attack any green or blue birds (like lovebirds). He coveted one female lutino redrump. I think he liked her subdued color scheme. I don't think he liked brightly colored birds.

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