

New member
Aug 29, 2017
New Jersey
Goffin Cockatoo
Hello everyone! I'm Jim. I have a Goffin Cockatoo named Eli. Eli is 9 years old. My wife at the time wanted a bird and since I had birds growing up I thought it would be a good idea to have a bird again as well. Unfortunately for my ex wife he bonded to me..lol and we have been best buds ever since. He has gotten me through some tough times the past few years. I look forward to reading everyone's experiences, stories and tips!
Hi Jim & welcome. I look forward to your stories as well. Please share some pix of Eli. :white1:

Be well,
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5!?..wow..one is enough!.. Hahaha. He sits on my lap constantly and wanta to be scratched.
5!?..wow..one is enough!.. Hahaha. He sits on my lap constantly and wanta to be scratched.

They are almost as easy in flocks as individual companions. Very capable of very close bonding to humans and enjoying time alone or with other Goffins.
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They are mostly on my phone..lol. I have to transfer them but I will. =)

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