I am slightly fuming.....


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
yet another breeder just wanting to make a quick buck.

the day I picked up Martini from the breeder, we got to chatting about what I breed. In a nut shell he wanted me to sell him my 2 baby pure Lutino cockatiels, so he could make a quick buck. I sell them for $95.00, he can sell them for $150.00....I felt like telling him to get stuffed, but I declined his offer.

I currently have an ad running on kijiji for my babies, guess who e-mails me?
(I don't think he knows it's me)

here is the e-mail:


need these babies.
let me know how much for both,


nice huh???

my reply was this:

why? so you can re-sell them???

what is WRONG with people!!!, this is getting way out of hand.
years ago you only heard of a few breeders selling unweaned chicks, or buying other people birds to make a quick buck, today it seems to be the norm.

it just goes to show the lack of respect for mother nature.
Crimson I agree with you. Glad your not going to sell them to that person. But if they know now its you they might try to have a friend get them from you for them. Beware! Thanks.
I'd be fuming, too, Beth. :mad:

"I NEED these babies?" Nice choice of words. :rolleyes: LOVED your response to the person!! :D
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critterman- I NEVER sell an unweaned chick, I home them to good families.
I love all my babies, in fact I have a hard time parting with each and everyone of them...but I do....I can't keep them all!

Wendy- he's just a a greedy dufus....look at his remark that he came back with:

Can get as many as you have.

my response:


Dave said I should reply back and tell him I'll sell them for $150.00 haha
You should have messed with him - tell him sure he can buy them for $500 each (because they're super rare yadda yadda). See what his response is ;)
I'd be fuming too, Crimson. Nice response to his inquiries. I wonder if he'll keep contacting you, he seems like a persistent jerk.
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yup he does, but I have not heard from him since so I guess he got the message....not that he cares any.

he'll just go on to the next victim....unfortunately they are out there.
A bird flipper? I'd rather flip HIM the bird!
Great response to him, Beth...and I am SO glad you got Martini out of there!!
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Great response to him, Beth...and I am SO glad you got Martini out of there!!

so very right you are Terry, I never really thought about it that way until you said it!

.....gosh, I wonder where she would have ended up.....he told me there was a family in Calgary that was interested in her, then I drove out......the rest is history.....right now she is on my shoulder devouring a orange pepper.....yuuummmmmyyyy.
He obviously doesn't care where his birds end up, and it is scary to think what Martini would have faced if you hadn't been there. It gives me chills, to be honest, because she is obviously such a wonderful girl who has now found a wonderful home. The what could have beens are the scary part.
Crimson sorry I never meant you sell unweaned birds. I said I agree with you for not selling them to him. I agree with you 100%. Sorry if my post was unclear.

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