I fell in love with a jardines today


New member
Sep 29, 2013
I went to the shop where I got Sammie today. I was looking for zupreem natural pellets, but that's another story.

I went into the back room where they keep the birds for sale and to my left there's a row of cages and I could see something green in the corner. When I looked a little closer I could see this bird laying on it's back and my first thought is that it was sick. It was just laying quietly on it's back. So, I walked over there and it immediately flipped over, ran to the front of the cage and put it's beak between the bars and fluffed up it's head as if to say "Please scritch me!" My heart melted.

If I had had a spare $1299 I would have immediately run out of that store with that bird. The owner tells me "we have a layway." I was SO TEMPTED. I've always loved the owner's own jardine that is in the front of the store. He's a real sweatheart. I admit I'm still tempted....
ha ha, I had a Jardine here for 6 months, Willow, she was semi-tame, and so very funny, they are amazing birds, better than a Senegal. just a total different temperament all together.

now they are a wee bit loud, but not screamers. they are very much like Sennies, they can entertain them selves in the cages like nothing I've ever seen( I love that about them) they are very calm, and smart.....and beautiful!!

the best thing about them that people aren't aware of is they have an amazing vocabulary, some compare them to the AG(which I never knew). I don't think they learn it as quickly as an AG, but have the capacity to learn it over time.

they are not cuddly birds, but love to sit on your shoulder, and be with you.....are you sure you don't want him???
Awww, that is so hard when the bird picks you! I find for me my first mistake is going anywhere near the birds for sale!
My friend had a Jardine and she was a real sweetheart. A layaway plan would be great!
Temptation can be a good thing:)
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That's the thing I love about poicephalus. They like scritches, but also are more independent and can self entertain when you don't have the time to completely focus on them. I'd have all the pois if I could.
I think Jardine's are so beautiful! Especially with adult colors.
Even though I am a die hard Poi fan, I'm a little afraid of that beak! Knowing how hard Robin can bite, I figure mature J's might have the same attitude. Raven's breeder said she used to breed J's and she thought they were a pretty nippy species. Maybe someone with a mature one can say that's not true? Don't let that scare you though, c'mon Karen! They have layaway!! He sounds really adorable :)
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Lol, when I got home I got out the calculator and figured out how much everything would cosy and divided it by 3 (since their layaway is 3 months) and then thought hmmm maybe with tax returns...so we'll see if he's still there when the taxes come back.

The laying on the back just cracked me up.

Just a heads up Julie, since you mentioned the cape at one point. They are bigger than the jardines :)
Ooh the Capes are cool too. They have such cute faces.
Tax return time yay, except mine has to go toward credit card balance :(
If he's still there, then he's meant to be yours!
Hmmm...do I see rapid refund in your future? :):)
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Hopefully no new bill will show. I just got my car out if the shop today.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I truly believe that the universe finds a way for things that are meant to be.
too funny- just be done with it and go get it, you know you w-a-n-t it, lol.

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