My new irp is suddenly scared and wants to escape


New member
Mar 7, 2024
Indian Ringneck
hello! So my story began when I wanted to buy my mom a bird using my first job salary! She always dreamt of owning a bird and taking care of it so I figured I'd get one for our house. I went to get maybe a budgie, but ended up falling in love with the most kindhearted and polite IRP! The owner of the store put his hand in the cage where maybe 7 of their kind was in there, you can tell they all weren't happy being there, but this specific one was so polite and quickly mounted his hand with no problem and even was patient with me trying to hold him! So, as I said, I fell in love and got him with me immediately, drove him home and made sure it was as comfortable as possible. The second I got home I surprised my mom with it and she fell in love as well! I mean what a good boy!/girl! (yes I'm still not sure I think its 7-8 months old). I showed her how to hold it and yet again it was so patient and even let my friend carry him/her! The night went by and I covered the cage with a big sheet to make sure it doesn't get disturbed by light as it had a long day.
To my surprise, my dad and mom wake up before me and they remove the blanket, and apparently Cleo (I named it Cleo) had attempted to escape and scuccesfully did so from the top part of cage which had doors that had been pushed upwards (very smart) by Cleo. So my mom woke me up feeling scared for Cleo, and its 6 AM so I woke up aggitated and ended up running after Cleo, picking him/her up and putting them in the cage and went back to sleep.
When I later woke up and I was heading to work, I wanted to show Cleo love before I leave, and to my surprise, it hissed at me and attempted to launch to a jump! I was shocked as it was so nice to me literally the night before! Since then, the night of the next day is almost over and Cleo now is very shy when i attempt to put my finger close and feed him/her. It makes me really sad as one day before it was already on my shoulder and sorta comfortable with me. Please help me as it hurts so much to feel like I hurt its feelings!
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Oh yeas I forgot to mention, throughout its first full day in the house, it has been trying to escape and I let it out once and It directly head to the window at the first chance it got! It was so obvious it was looking for freedom and an escape!
IRN's are notoriously hand shy, first of all. Secondly, parrot trust is hard to gain and very easy to lose. Chasing a parrot to return him to the cage is a big trust breaker.
I would suggest starting from scratch, like he was just gotten and not hand tamed at all. Build up trust again with him. GO slowly, at his pace and not at the pace of your expectations. Start giving him his fav treat every time you pass the cage. Talk to him in a nice voice, just a friendly hello or good bird. Slowly work up to hand feeding him the treat and putting hand in cage. Dont give up! This might take a few weeks - as I said, trust is hard to build in parrots.

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