I may or may not have


New member
Apr 19, 2014
Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii
Eclectus, Blue and Gold Macaw, Cockatiels, Ringnecks, Green Cheek Conure
Fallen in love with this amazing creature at a parrot club meeting
and made an impulse buy....... :eek:


I had been researching a bit and thinking about it So it was and wasn't an impulse buy at the same time......

Anyway, the story goes, I went to a bird club meeting.... The breeder brought them there to be socialized...... I saw them and had to hold her....... as soon as I picked her up my heart was already hers.... I held her for the whole meeting..... HE TOLD ME THEY WERE GONNA SELL HER TO THE PET STORE! SO I had to save her....... ok .... so she isn't a rescue, the breeder did a really good job with her but they were going to bring her to the pet store..... so I asked them to sell her to me instead for the price they were going to sell her to the store for... ;) they agreed... Another friend of mine bought her sibling.... sadly the other two went to the petstore, I wish I could've bought them all but :(..... I can't believe my husband said yes!!!! It had to have been the price.... he said no the week before... So I am very excited...... IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST CUDDLE!

She's amazing..

I call her she until the DNA comes back (its pending and that feels like forever!) because I don't want to call her IT...

I haven't had anything bigger than my Drogo yet.... I'm a little nervous about training... She's a tad beaky, but mostly when she's frustrated or losing her balance..... I love the cuddles!!!!!

She is 10 weeks old, super sweet, unweaned... I am experienced hand feeder, but Its so different doing cockatiels than this baby... I am so thankful for my mentors and breeders who are walking me through step by step and are so understanding when I call them freaking out cause she made a weird sound during the feeding! hahhahaha... Pathetic I know, ;) (( I would never recommend buying an unweaned bird for someone who has never done it.... but I have and have tons of experienced people with me step by step since I'm new to macaws.... ))
We already made an emergency trip to the vet cause I thought she should be eating more! hahaha 200$ later, at least I know she is COMPLETELY HEALTHY! :blue1: And I am UBER paranoid and she is eating plenty... ha ha... as of now she has no name........... her vet paperwork literally says "new bird" in the name section.... I'm toying with a few options but I can not decide on something perfect to call my baby for the rest of our lives.....

Anyway..... I was in love as soon as I held her, and I couldn't walk away without her to watch her go to the petstore so She's here to stay..... I didn't put her down

So without further Ado, here are some pictures from the day I saw her, and then her wearing her diaper....


We're going to train her to accept the aviator also, but its on its way from amazon :D

Super-cute! And congrats! She's gorgeous and already in love with you *swoon*

I was at a macaw breeders' last week and she had two b&g babies - whom she said take time to develop (ie even to learn "step up"). I hope you keep us posted! :)
Oh my gawsh!!! LOVE is totally written ALL over your face!!! What a super cute, and BEAUTIFUL B&G baby!!! :smile015: Many, MANY congrats!! :D

You'll do great training her, no doubt in my mind. :) B&G's can be beaky, yes, but not bitey. If you teach her bite pressure from this young age, you won't have any issues. LOVE seeing that you are already training her to wear a harness!!

Oh please, share more pics (if you have some).

Again, many congrats! And I think it's safe to say that you are completely over the moon, and rightfully so. :D
Aww...congrats!! She's beautiful!!!
You are both gorgeous, and the love is radiating around both of you! You're so lucky to get such a big sweet baby! She looks like she is smiling, knowing she is going into such a good home. Please post as many pics as you like, there is no such thing as TOO MANY pics :D
She is gorgeous! Your happiness is beaming from your face!!! I love knowing an animal is going to such a loving and welcoming home. :) CONGRATS!
Your picture popped up on my facebook news feed because i am friends with Jeff! Weird!

Such a cute baby ooh my goodness you are so in love!
Congratulations! Such a sweet story and precious photos, thank you for sharing.

She looks adorable in her new harness. I also think the two of you will do just fine!
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hahahahah bandespresso! that cracks me up! I think Jeff is friends with every parrot person ever! He actually was the photographer that took some of these pics <3

Thanks Everyone.... we are so happy... shes a brat already..... Drogo is a little jealous, but all seems well.... <3 She is very loved.... my husband is a bit intimidated by her big beak but he will get over that soon...
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And here's our emergency vet visit : at least it was a socialization opportunity! lol

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oh and here is the baby photo that the breeder sent me :D Mine is the oldest.....
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Here's Dani (aka: SilverSage) cuddling her..... Idk why they call them mush macs...... ok I Do ... the real reason is because they turn US to mush..... :D
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Here she is exploring her food after her formula...... she loves to eat like a big kid......

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