I need help with my Senegal please


New member
Jan 4, 2024
African Senegal
Okā€¦ Iā€™ve owned parrots for 35 years or more.. and I know what todo but NoNE of it is working! I have a 23 year old Senegal ā€” female For sure. She is the sweetest bird ā€¦ However.. she recently went Thru hell and back when she was bitten by a spider and had a gaping hole w. no skin or feathers all of a sudden on her entire abdomen. She had to have a big surgery and then have the stitches replaced 4 times,.., went through collar after collar after collar, a coneā€¦ ending w sometimes 5 collars at A time all sown on top of each other.., and a bird buddy ( like a flight suit made out of a sock to cover her abdomen to) ā€¦. often able to chew through them or get past them to rip out her stitches within seconds. .. Finally she stopped eating, plucked out her feathers and I had to hand feed her 3 times a day to keep her alive. Soā€¦ sheā€™s through it now (miraculousl! Thank you god and Amazing vet ! All her feathers back etc)ā€¦ However .. now we have another problem. Of course I held her a lot when she was sick.. she would just cling to me and sleep on me as she was so unwell and traumatized. I had to really curtail that when she got well because I was afraid she would get ā€mateyā€, and otherwise she didnā€™t need or want to be held like that any longer. I know all the tricks and all the advice and all the behavior for (curtailing hormones) and NoNe of them are working! I can ignore her ( until she screams which sheā€™s doing a LoT MORe Of since I donā€™t hold her) and not hold her at all and only pick her up to put her in her cage.. thats it ā€¦and she still puts her wings, all matey and fluttery and dancy ( I canā€™t describe it but none of my boy birds did this) out and tries to regurgitate ( while not letting go of my hand). I pretty much have to ignore her and I feel So bad! Itā€™s winter.. sheā€™s covered up a lot, Iā€™ve lowered the protein in her diet.. discouage the behavior non stop. I donā€™t pet her or hold her at all, but it doesnā€™t seem to matter. Sheā€™s constant trying to nest in her cage, so I even switch cages around! I donā€™t want another problem w her trying to lay eggs! I do all the recommended stuff, distract her, put her down , donā€™t hold , donā€™t pet anywhere.. now not even her head, make sure she doesnā€™t get too much light.. itā€™s downright cold in my apt.. but nothing .. I repeat.. nothing !!!!! is working. Help!
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Wow, you and your bird have been through a lot together.
One thing, do you train her? Especially target or flight training, itā€™s very mentally stimulating and challenging for birds.

Iā€™ll ask a few questions here:

How much sleep is she getting?
Whatā€™s her diet like?
Does she have access to any dark/nesty places?

Itā€™s sounds like youā€™re doing the right thing by not petting her. Though, Iā€™d avoid keeping her covered up often, as this creates a dark environment that could feel like a nest.

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