Ideal water temperature for parrots to shower?


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Sep 26, 2023
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White fronted amazon parrot born in 2022
I saw a conversation on instagram on how all these people's conures preferred colder showers. I wonder if that translates into other species aswell. I wanted to ask opinions and experiences on your birds' showering habits, specially temperature and how often they do. My amazon doesn't seem to like taking showers regularly but I started to wonder if the water is too warm for him so he doesnt love it.
I saw a conversation on instagram on how all these people's conures preferred colder showers. I wonder if that translates into other species aswell. I wanted to ask opinions and experiences on your birds' showering habits, specially temperature and how often they do. My amazon doesn't seem to like taking showers regularly but I started to wonder if the water is too warm for him so he doesnt love it.
From what I know, its a risky move to shower a bird, while some do love it, some hate it and believe they are suffocating, I'd recommend bathing your bird. If they don't like it, they either don't need it or don't feel safe. But they love baths! So when they want one they'll let you know.
Long story short: Dont shower a bird, try bathing it, and only if it wants one
Further confirmation, my Phoenix preferred the water bath or shower to be a tad cooler that room temperature.

MY Amazon was not a shower fan, he never spread his wings so to speak when we showered together. Granted the water was not cold or cool, but warm (to me). On the other hand he loves getting a spray bottle shower and the water that comes out of those is cool or even cold, as the mist hits the air and cools off rapidly, so there might just be something to what they are saying.

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