I'm here to learn as much as I can about macaws!


New member
Dec 24, 2017
Sunny the blue and gold macaw.
I love animals more than anything, but I didn't know I was going to become such a crazy bird person! I've had smaller birds in the past, like budgies and doves, and while we spent time together, they always had companions of the same species to hang out with, so I was more along for the ride than anything. With Sunny, it's like having another person to hang out with. She doesn't have another macaw to be with, so we've become really close very quickly and spend most of the day together. I feel like there's just something special about her. I felt it when we first met and she gave me that introductory chomp on my finger! She puts on a front but is secretly a big softy, and I love that about her!

I don't know how old Sunny is, or if she's even really a female. I don't know much about her past, but I think at one point someone loved her and took good care of her. I found out recently that she's had at least three homes, possibly more than that, so we're somewhere around home number four or more. I know with time and effort, I can figure out her mannerisms and behaviors, and I'll be able to help her get over some of her fears (there are many! lol).

People told me I couldn't "start off" with a large macaw, that I didn't have the experience and it wouldn't work. They told me I'd need a smaller parrot first to work up to that point. I completely disagree. I've wanted one bird my whole life (a macaw). It made no sense for me to get a smaller bird I didn't know anything about and didn't have as much of an interest in; that would be unfair to the bird, who deserves someone who wants to invest their life in them.

I knew whatever parrot I got would be forever. Is Sunny a lot to handle? Absolutely, but it doesn't bother me. I don't care that she makes messes and poops. I don't care that she can be noisy. We live in our own house, and if she wants to scream all day every day, she can do that. But I spend so much time with her that she doesn't scream, she's actually a very quiet bird (I was told she was rehomed for screaming). I know that she can bite hard, and that's fine too. She's a parrot and she's going to let me know if I've crossed a line she's not comfortable with. It's not her fault, it's mine. She told me and I didn't heed her multiple warnings or postures (it must be frustrating to be a parrot when no one gets what you're trying to convey!).

Would I say most people should start of with a macaw? Probably not. But I also wouldn't tell anyone no either. I might send them pictures of my wood furniture that she's chomped on and pictures of what a week's worth of bird mess on the floor looks like, and some recordings of her piercing scream when I don't feed her early enough (LOL!). But all of that doesn't matter to me. It's just stuff. I can buy different furniture, or install different carpet. None of that is anywhere equal to having a good friend to spend time with and interact with who appreciates every moment and will come up and give you pinch if you're staring at your phone too long, or if she wants a bite of your salad (she always wants salad, so just assume and bring extra).

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Welcome to Parrot Forums!

You will find a ton of information here along with as many MAC people!

The real only difference between Tiels and MAC's is how quickly the MAC can remove fingers and alike!

The reality of your finding this place is that the MAC Forum is one, if not the best place, to obtain specific information regarding MAC's. Birdman666 is our current go to guy for understanding MAC's, but he is truly not alone in that regard. We have a number of members that are long time MAC owners.

Please take the time to find and read with detail the MAC Forum. The highlighted in light blue 'Sticky' Thread at the top of that Forum denotes must read for understand and working with MAC's. Please find and read everything that Birdman666 has created as a Thread and those Threads that he has Posted too! Others will be along to provide other Threads that you should also Read!

I'm one of the local Amazon Snobs, and would recommend that you visit the Amazon Forum and Read with detail, the Sticky Thread near the top of that Forum, Titled: I Love Amazons - ... You will find that huge Thread to be a foundation document on Love and Living with Parrots. In truth, you can take the Word Amazon and place Parrot in its place and garner a vast amount of information regarding working with your MAC.

Please take the time to find and set an appointment with a Certified Avian Vet in your area. That first 'complete' New Parrot Examination and testing will be the benchmark for your care of your MAC far into the future. It would be a great idea to have a DNA Sex test done at the same time, as there are minor, but important differences between minerals provided females and males.

Welcome to Parrot Forums! Shortly any number of MAC people will be by to add great depth.

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Welcome to Parrot Forums!

You will find a ton of information here along with as many MAC people!

The real only difference between Tiels and MAC's is how quickly the MAC can remove fingers and alike!

The reality of your finding this place is that the MAC Forum is one, if not the best place, to obtain specific information regarding MAC's. Birdman666 is our current go to guy for understanding MAC's, but he is truly not alone in that regard. We have a number of members that are long time MAC owners.

Please take the time to find and read with deal the MAC Forum. The highlighted in light blue 'Sticky' Thread at the top of that Forum denotes must read for understand and working with MAC's. Please find and read everything that Birdman666 has created as a Thread and those Threads that he has Posted too! Others will be along to provide other Threads that you should also Read!

I'm one of the local Amazon Snobs, and would recommend that you visit the Amazon Forum and Read with detail, the Sticky Thread near the top of that Forum, Titled: I Love Amazons - ... You will find that huge Thread to be a foundation document on Love and Living with Parrots. In truth, you can take the Word Amazon and place Parrot in its place and garner a vast amount of information regarding working with your MAC.

Please take the time to find and set an appointment with a Certified Avian Vet in your area. That first 'complete' New Parrot Examination and testing will be the benchmark for your care of your MAC far into the future. It would be a great idea to have a DNA Sex test done at the same time, as there are minor, but important differences between minerals provided females and males.

Welcome to Parrot Forums! Shortly any number of MAC people will be by to add great depth.


This forum has been great! I have been going through all of Birdman666's posts and all the stuff I've tried has been effective. I will check out that Amazon post as well!

I am working on finding her a vet. There is one about an hour away but he was the same person who helped with my rescue snake I had and I wasn't particularly impressed. My snake was left with mites on top of the respiratory infection I was trying to treat her for :( She ended up passing away a few years back, so I'm most certainly NOT going there. I'm probably going to have to find something a few hours away unfortunately, and the weather here is dreadful right now. For the time being, I've been giving her hardboiled eggs and a perch made from shells. She eats her dropped feathers at times and she's currently molting, so I had someone recommend I get her some calcium via the perch. I'll definitely be taking her as soon as I find someone suitable. There's another avian vet that might work, but he only works one day a week, so it's hard to get in to see him. If he doesn't call me back, I'll look outside the nearer cities (I'm out in the sticks).

Thank you for all the information!
Living deep in the woods can have its difficulties. Parrot Forums has members World Wide and as a result there maybe someone near by that can provide a recommendation on a CAV.

This will also get you bumped back-up on the Board and with hope, catch a MAC lover.
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Living deep in the woods can have its difficulties. Parrot Forums has members World Wide and as a result there maybe someone near by that can provide a recommendation on a CAV.

This will also get you bumped back-up on the Board and with hope, catch a MAC lover.

That's very true. If this other vet doesn't work out, I'll definitely make a post and see if anyone here knows anybody near me.
Welcome to you and Sunny, enjoy the forums!

Thank you for a wonderful introduction; seems you have all of the correct instincts for parronthood. You have certainly cracked the code of recognizing bird virtue! There are no starter birds, they all have goodness from the tiniest budgie to mightiest hyacinth.

I am certain you will gain some knowledge and pass on your own experiences!
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You can search for an avian vet nearest you on the website for, wait for it, Tge Association Of Avian Vet’s! Rimshot. There are also some threads in the health forum with recommendations.

Member Search - Association of Avian Veterinarians

They were all about 2-3 hours away.... Sigh. I was thinking about it this morning and remembered that my friend's sister in law is a vet tech. She actually just texted me and gave me a recommendation for a good vet that she knows who treats parrots, and I don't recognize his name, so I don't think I've called him yet! And he also works more than one day a week! :blue1:
You've come to the right place!! A welcome to you and Sunny. Beautiful photo and him in your avatar.

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