Introducing a new conure to Tulsi


Oct 17, 2023
Tusli= Black-Capped Conure x1
I believe we’re going to be getting a 1.5yr old, female pineapple conure in the next few days. A neighbor is moving and unable to take the bird. We have tulsi who is also 1.5yr old female black capped conure. Any words of advice/guidance introducing a new bird to this household with Tusli?
Pics 1-2 are Tulsi
Pics 3-5 are of Mango, the possible new conure.


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Introduce them in a neutral space is the best advice I have. A room your bird isn't in a lot.
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Introduce them in a neutral space is the best advice I have. A room your bird isn't in a lot.
Thank you. She’s quarantined now for the next couple weeks and then take introductions slowly.
If your neighbor has had it for a while......I don't see the need to Quarantined, You usually do that with a pet shop animal but if it's healthy next door, no reason to think sick now.

However, Might be good to let them hear eachothers calls and get curious about who is in the other room.....
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If your neighbor has had it for a while......I don't see the need to Quarantined, You usually do that with a pet shop animal but if it's healthy next door, no reason to think sick now.

However, Might be good to let them hear eachothers calls and get curious about who is in the other room.....
They’ve had her since she was 9 weeks old and she’s a year and half. Great bird, sociable, hand raised/held, cuddly etc. Looks very healthy, her feathers, beak etc. Her toenails could use a trim but I can try to do that later. Tulsi is very good with my trimming hers so we’ll see.
I believe we’re going to be getting a 1.5yr old, female pineapple conure in the next few days. A neighbor is moving and unable to take the bird. We have tulsi who is also 1.5yr old female black capped conure. Any words of advice/guidance introducing a new bird to this household with Tusli?
Pics 1-2 are Tulsi
Pics 3-5 are of Mango, the possible new conure.
How did the introductions go? I went through this process last year beginning and I was on edge. I was worried if they will bond or not, thankfully it’s been a smooth sail so far. Wishing the same for your beautiful pair Tulsi and Mango.
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How did the introductions go? I went through this process last year beginning and I was on edge. I was worried if they will bond or not, thankfully it’s been a smooth sail so far. Wishing the same for your beautiful pair Tulsi and Mango.
Hi. She's been here 9 days today! We took Mango to the vet last Saturday for a wellness check, plus I was concerned about some really dry, red skin I found under some feathers. Vet said she's in good health, no infections etc. and didn't feel it was necessary to quarantine her for health reasons.

So, we moved her to an area of the house where she's sort of in the mix, but not directly in the same room as Tulsi. They can see and hear one another, and also me and my husband. Tulsi is very Mango curious but Mango could care less about Tusli, for the most part.

Mango is also doing well with target training. She's had none in the past so I started very slowly about day 3, just to see what she'd do; which was absolutely nothing at first lol
But now she's responding and being rewarded of course.

Tulsi is a little possessive of me so we're not forcing the issue with them being near one another. When we pick a neutral space to slowly work with them Tulsi has tried running Mango off a bit. She did try to get ahold of one of Mango's tail feathers when they were close one day, but not hurtful and I was right there to stop her, and Mango didn't respond. However, in the last two days, Mango is voluntarily leaving her house now. For the first week she just sat in, or on her house, with the door open, being kind of solitary. Now? She seems more prone to "hey I want to be where you are!"

I don't think Tulsi likes that very much yet. She's more "hey who are you and why are you here?"
Tulsi does seem bothered, maybe even a little stressed (?) by the fact that she doesn't currently have free reign of the house 12-13hrs a day like she used to. I'm trying to manage my time between the two of them without neglecting one or the other. And Tulsi gets fed first, my time first etc. so that she knows she's first. But boy do I HEAR about it when I put her in her house and I go spend time with Mango. I WANT to have them both out at the same time, I want the birds to be free to have their own space and space with me (us), but I'm not rushing it. Mostly because Tulsi is my bird, and is almost always with me, but now Mango wants to be with/on me.

It sounds a little rushed but I promise it's not. Together, we're taking them slowly. I personally feel a little harsh that they're in their houses more than I or Tulsi is used to being- and I know it's for the own good right now. But how do I know when it's okay for them to be out at the same time?

I feel like Mango wasn't out and free flying as much as I was told. She almost doesn't seem to know how to fly even though she's fully flighted with her feathers/wings. But, she's getting better at it. Again, she's voluntarily leaving/flying from her house, to me or to the big room where we are so I'm happy she's getting comfortable enough to do that. Our schedule and routine has changed because we used to let Tulsi out almost all day, and at night we'd sit and watch TV for an hour or two before bed, with Tulsi, and she'd sit right on me and fall asleep before bed. Now though, we can't really have them both out like that because both birds want to be ON me, Tulsi is not okay with that right t now and I understand that, but it feels so "blah' to put one up and keep one out etc.

How long did it take your birds to be around each other and getting along?
Sorry this is so long and detailed -lol
Hi. She's been here 9 days today! We took Mango to the vet last Saturday for a wellness check, plus I was concerned about some really dry, red skin I found under some feathers. Vet said she's in good health, no infections etc. and didn't feel it was necessary to quarantine her for health reasons.

So, we moved her to an area of the house where she's sort of in the mix, but not directly in the same room as Tulsi. They can see and hear one another, and also me and my husband. Tulsi is very Mango curious but Mango could care less about Tusli, for the most part.

Mango is also doing well with target training. She's had none in the past so I started very slowly about day 3, just to see what she'd do; which was absolutely nothing at first lol
But now she's responding and being rewarded of course.

Tulsi is a little possessive of me so we're not forcing the issue with them being near one another. When we pick a neutral space to slowly work with them Tulsi has tried running Mango off a bit. She did try to get ahold of one of Mango's tail feathers when they were close one day, but not hurtful and I was right there to stop her, and Mango didn't respond. However, in the last two days, Mango is voluntarily leaving her house now. For the first week she just sat in, or on her house, with the door open, being kind of solitary. Now? She seems more prone to "hey I want to be where you are!"

I don't think Tulsi likes that very much yet. She's more "hey who are you and why are you here?"
Tulsi does seem bothered, maybe even a little stressed (?) by the fact that she doesn't currently have free reign of the house 12-13hrs a day like she used to. I'm trying to manage my time between the two of them without neglecting one or the other. And Tulsi gets fed first, my time first etc. so that she knows she's first. But boy do I HEAR about it when I put her in her house and I go spend time with Mango. I WANT to have them both out at the same time, I want the birds to be free to have their own space and space with me (us), but I'm not rushing it. Mostly because Tulsi is my bird, and is almost always with me, but now Mango wants to be with/on me.

It sounds a little rushed but I promise it's not. Together, we're taking them slowly. I personally feel a little harsh that they're in their houses more than I or Tulsi is used to being- and I know it's for the own good right now. But how do I know when it's okay for them to be out at the same time?

I feel like Mango wasn't out and free flying as much as I was told. She almost doesn't seem to know how to fly even though she's fully flighted with her feathers/wings. But, she's getting better at it. Again, she's voluntarily leaving/flying from her house, to me or to the big room where we are so I'm happy she's getting comfortable enough to do that. Our schedule and routine has changed because we used to let Tulsi out almost all day, and at night we'd sit and watch TV for an hour or two before bed, with Tulsi, and she'd sit right on me and fall asleep before bed. Now though, we can't really have them both out like that because both birds want to be ON me, Tulsi is not okay with that right t now and I understand that, but it feels so "blah' to put one up and keep one out etc.

How long did it take your birds to be around each other and getting along?
Sorry this is so long and detailed -lol
Wow how beautifully you have narrated. Loved reading it 👏
I am happy that slowly and steadily you are on your way to having your babies bond well.

Kiwi was living in her new aviary which was much larger than her old home. My son had grown up and she started getting less time with her boyfriend. So after about having her for 7 years I decided to her a companion so Zeus came in. Got him when he was 4 months and now he is 21 months.

I placed them both in seperate travel cages next to each other for few hours daily for about 10 to 12 days. Then allowed them to be together in the play area under supervision. Played together with them and treated them. Once I started feeling comfortable that they are both friendly enough it was time to let them live together. I was on edge for the 1st month but after that it was fine. They did have occasional fights but nothing scary or violent.

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