Introducing CJ,the rescued Umbrella Cockatoo


New member
Jun 30, 2015
Umbrella Cockatoo
Hello my fellow Too parents. I would like to introduce the newest member of my family,CJ,the 25 year old Umbrella Cockatoo. We took her in yesterday(07-01-15) Here's her story:

CJ was living in a travel size cage in a dark room with a free roaming Boa Constrictor snake. CJ began to self-mutilate to the point of bloody and bald. CJ was taken out of that situation by a couple,and she has lived with them the past 4-5 years. During that time,they fashioned a dog e-collar and put it around her so she wouldn't be able to pluck anymore. She has now grown back most of her feathers,although she will probably never be the same,she does look a little rough around the edges but she is so humble,kind and CRAVES attention. The couple decided they couldn't put enough time into her anymore,and reached out to people on Craigslist. I found her ad,immediately called, and to make a long story short,she is now being spoiled and receiving all the love a bird could ever want in my house. She desperately needs her groomed including her beak, once she gets comfortable enough,hopefully won't take too long, I will be immediately taking her to get her cleaned up,and a vet check. :white1:


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Poor baby! What a life she's lived. And her beak needs attention horribly. But so glad she's with you now and will be spoiled and adored, which of course, 'Toos thrive on!
Awww... thanks for rescuing this beautiful bird. Sounds like she's had a rough life so far, but I'm glad you plan to turn that around for her:) Glad you'll be taking her to a vet to attend to that beak and see if (what) medical attention she may need. I know she is still settling in, but just an FYI, that beak is likely a result of not having enough to chew up. I'd suggest getting her some big wood toys as soon as she'll accept them to get her chewing. Parrots are like beavers, they are made to chew wood and if they don't, the beak becomes overgrown. It will also help keep her entertained (self rewarding/self entertaining is SO important to teach a too!). Keep us updated on her progress/how the vet visit goes.
Yay! As a mom to a Too who came to me plucked pretty badly (though not like poor CJ) there's nothing like the reward of watching the become happy and thrive with lots of love and care! Here's to a happier healthier CJ sooner than later!! :)
Poor CJ, she's been through so much, thank you for helping her! Please let us know how the vet visit goes.
She's so pretty..thank you thank you thank you..there's not enough of us out there..your awesome
She is beautiful, and has a better chance of a wonderful life with your love and care!

CJ lived with a free-roaming boa? Arghhhhhhhh!
I am so happy that CJ has joined your family!Poor girl, it breaks my heart to think all she has been through in the past:(
Fingers crossed that the vet visit goes well.

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