Is it possible to take care of a parrot in a wheelchair?


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Jul 25, 2020
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I'm new to this forum and I really enjoyed reading people's experience with their parrots. In 4 weeks, a male eclectus parrot should (or shouldn't?) Come home with me. Sadly, a sudden medical condition might send me in a wheelchair for some time, or if the worst becomes reality, forever. This eclectus would be my first bird, and I don't think it would be fair to him to keep him if there is even a slight chance that i can't give him the best life possible. My parents said that they will gladly drive me to vet visits etc...
So... What do you think? How much running around is taking care of a parrot? Thank you in advance.
Hello ,
Most of my interactions with my parrot occur while sitting in my chair :)
I don’t think there is a problem. Parrots are messy,l
You can also work on re-call training in the home, so when she flys some place in the house you can call her to return to you.

I hope you dont have to spend time in a wheel chair, and your health improves.

How exciting that you’ve chosen your species . We have great Eclectus owners here who can advise you on them
Hi! I am so sorry for your pending impairment!
But— we have many parronts here in wheelchairs! Birds are incredible with their understanding!
I recently completed an extensive lower back surgery and was very limited in my actives. Although not in a wheel chair, I used a walker to make my way around. At first our DYH Amazon was upset by the walker, but quickly found that he could sit proudly on the front bar and direct where we would go. As I transferred to a cane, our Amazon would fly to the walker as if to target 'his' preferred travel method. He has adjust to being on one hand as we walkabout.

The point being, they really do not care, as long as they are center of the activity.

Please remember that Eclectus have specific diet requires and failure to follow their needs can result in medical problems. See the Eclectus Forum for more detail in that regard...

Also, not all Parrot species nor individuals are into snuggling, in fact most do not. Does not mean that they do not want to be close by, but not like a cat or dog. If your hope is a hands-on relationship, a Parrot may not be your best choice...
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