Is my sun conure sick?


New member
Oct 10, 2015
Sun conure
I recently bought a sun conure from a private breeder. Tutti, my sun conure, is 3 months old so the seller gave me the baby food that I mix with warm water.
But ever since I bought Tutti, he's been sneezing. I've had him for 5 days, and he sneezes on a daily basis, a few times in the morning and occasionally throughout the day. A few days back, when he sneezed clear water would spray out his nose, but now he just sneezes.

He also picks his nose once in a while.
The weather has been very dry since I got him. The first day I got him it was raining, then after that it got very hot and windy.

Does sneezing mean he's sick?
Can he be get allergies from my dogs?
Is he sick?

He is still so playful and energetic. He always screams and communicates. He also eats a lot! He eats his baby food, but also eats his seeds. I tried giving him fruits and vegetables. So far he's only ate and boiled potatoe.

But I just get worried about him sneezing.

Also one more question, when do I stop giving him his baby food? He does eat his seeds but he never gets full until I feed him the baby food. When is the appropriate age to just stop giving him the formula food?

Thank you!! :orange:


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Do you have access to a good Avian vet? I would be getting your baby into a vet appointment they would be the best ones to help you, as they would be able to see and touch, and listen. Whereas we can only read. Your breeder honestly should not have sent home an unweaned baby IMHO. Hand feeding can be dangerous and even deadly if done wrong. Your vet will be able to show you hands on how to do it properly. I don't know if other vets are as affordable as mine, but it only cost me about $85 for a check up.
I agree with GreyNickels. A vet visit is the best route.

I will say this, though it should NOT dissuade you from a vet visit. Sneezing isn't uncommon with sunnies. Skittles sneezes throughout the day. If it's 'just air' coming out then it's usually an "attention getting" matter. Skittles sneezes repeatedly whenever I pet him or preen him. An 'occasional' clear discharge is nothing to be alarmed about as it's likely them clearing their passages. The nose picking is common too. Skittles does that routinely.

I would still encourage a vet visit if for no other reason then the hand-feeding issue. I've actually read several posts on this forum of what I consider 'irresponsible' breeders who send their babies home with owners too soon.

I've no experience with hand-feeding or weening so I can't offer any help there. Skittles was a little over a year old when I got him.

@GreyNickels My vet charges $54 for a check-up and I thought that was expensive. LOL. (Mainly cause they see both my birds at the same time but charge me for each one.)
Again, see a vet. But my GCC had a sneezing issue, it may have to do with a combo of new smells and dust. I reduced the amount of shampoo and conditioner I used plus reduce the amount of clothes was being liquid and it seems to have stopped the issue. But I chose to do that after talking to a vet so go there first
Hmmmm... I guess if they only charged $54 I'd make less phone calls and more visits lol. I do have to say though, mine offer free drop-in weight checks, and always have time for my phone calls questions. So I have no issues with our expenses :)
I just make sure that both birds get complete checks. The biggest expense is actually the total. The gram stains cost about $40 each. About $20 for nail trims. Each bird runs me about $120.

The vet is about 45minutes away and I have to have a friend bring me so I only go annually. I do make a lot of calls to them and emails.
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I agree with GreyNickels. A vet visit is the best route.

I will say this, though it should NOT dissuade you from a vet visit. Sneezing isn't uncommon with sunnies. Skittles sneezes throughout the day. If it's 'just air' coming out then it's usually an "attention getting" matter. Skittles sneezes repeatedly whenever I pet him or preen him. An 'occasional' clear discharge is nothing to be alarmed about as it's likely them clearing their passages. The nose picking is common too. Skittles does that routinely.

I would still encourage a vet visit if for no other reason then the hand-feeding issue. I've actually read several posts on this forum of what I consider 'irresponsible' breeders who send their babies home with owners too soon.

I've no experience with hand-feeding or weening so I can't offer any help there. Skittles was a little over a year old when I got him.

@GreyNickels My vet charges $54 for a check-up and I thought that was expensive. LOL. (Mainly cause they see both my birds at the same time but charge me for each one.)

Does Skittles stay in his cage? Tutti NEVER wants to spend time in there... I always try to leave him in there so he gets used to it, but he always gets mad and stays throwing his food everywhere and just screams and throws himself from wall to wall. I try to ignore him so he gets used to the cage but he's so cute :(
Tutti literally spends the entire day hanging out with someone and forcefully sleeps in his cage at night. Should I train him to spend more time I his cage?
Skittles is free-flighted. The only time he is in his cage is if he is either sleeping (at night), I am not home (or unable to supervise him) or he chooses to go in.

When I am home, Skittles wants out. Suns are VERY social creatures and want nothing more than to be with their owner. They ARE little shadows so if you can let him out regularly - do it. Just make sure he is supervised. Suns LOVE to get into mischief.

I would make a point in having your sun get accustomed to his cage. Since he is relatively new to you, it's only natural that it will take some time for him to adjust to his new surroundings. But once that has happened. I say let him out if he wants out and you can supervise him.

Skittles used to go in and out of his cage all the time with his old one. The cage he's in now he's only had for about 2 weeks so he is still adjusting - but loving his new cage.
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Once you see nasal discharge, you should take your bird in. The nose picking could be nothing, or it could be a sign of infection. And bird health can spiral very quickly once something is wrong. Best not to take chances, I'd say.
Given that you haven't had him that long - I would highly suggest a vet visit regardless of health. But given what you are describing I think it's even more important.

I can say this - if Skittles had discharge from his nasal more than once in a day - I'd be getting him to the vet asap. As it is now though, it's just 'air' and it's usually after he is preening himself or is being preened.

Like Anansi said, their health can spiral VERY quickly. Birds are masters at masking illness (for survival in the flock) so a sick bird can actually appear quite healthy at first.

So by the time we see the illness it's usually at a critical point and sometimes too late. That's why I examine my birds daily. I check their weight - their food and water consumption and their droppings. Prevention is the best medicine.
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Although Tutti has been doing very well and not sneezing with any discharge, I am still planning to take him to a vet within the next few days. He sneezes with air only, but i will still take him to a check up so I can know for sure he's okay.
Thank you everyone, all your replies were so useful!
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This is what tutti prefers to do, rather than play with his toys in his cage


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Sounds like a good plan. Every newly purchased bird should have a check-up.

As for the sneezing - you may find it to become quite common. Especially if they are preening, being preened or cuddling. I've no idea why they do it - but if it's just air, I wouldn't be concerned.

Skittles has lots of toys in his cage as well. But his favorite thing is to chew on my shirts. They are little cuddle-bugs.
Hello Annaa,

I recently baught a Conure and I have the exact same concern as yours. She sneezes daily. Could you please let me know what happened after the veterinary check up?

Thanks a lot! :)

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