is this normal?


New member
Apr 22, 2012
Ava (TAG)
Hatch Date : 3/30/2012
So Ava has been home for 4 days. The first 2 days she would step up for me. Now she squawks when I try to get her to step up. Especially when I need to put her back in her cage. She squawks when I try to pet her too. She is very nice to my boyfriend. I'm the one who cleans her cage and I interact with her more than my boyfriend does...whats the deal? Its hurting my feelings. LOL


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Tate ~~
White Capped Pionus -
Violet ~~ Yellow Naped Amazon - Jupiter ~~ Baby B&G Macaw (coming soon)
Yes, unfortunetly. I had a simular experience with my White Capped... I do everything for him, but my signifigant other is the "favorite."

Tate still loves me and lets me touch him, steps up for me, etc, but he gets really excited and talks more if the bf is around.

Try not to let it hurt your feelings. Just continue to work with her and build that trust! Regardless of Tate's preference I'm his mom and he knows it ;) He loves me...just think he "likes" my bf as more of a mate.


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
[FONT=&quot]Just take baby steps, one day at a time.

Top on your list, a visit to an avian vet is a must. Let the Ava be checked over, peace of mind for a healthy bird.
Ava must have time to settle down and adjust. Just imagine how many new things the bird has encountered, in these four days. So many new faces and voices, it must be so scary.
To gain your trust could take days, weeks, months even years. Each and every bird is so different. She obviously feels a comfort zone is her cage.
Sit near the cage, talking and singing to the bird. Let her become familiar with your voice. Leaving the cage door open, offer her treats through the bars at first. When she willingly accepts them, try placing a treat near the open door. Eventually she will starts taking the treats from the door, make no attempt to touch her. When he does come out, he will probably climb around on the cage. Let Ava explore in her own time. To get her back in, place a treat inside the cage, making sure it's visible.

Good luck


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