Jolly's First SHOWER, Shower!


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Dec 18, 2013
Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
Of course Jolly is very much used to frequent showers with the spray bottle, and he's already gotten a few of those since coming to live with us, but today I decided to introduce him to the actual shower.

At first, he was less than impressed. I turned on the shower and he flew to the top of my head (his new favorite roosting spot) in the blink of an eye! He was definitely apprehensive and I didn't want to damage the trust, so I took him on my hand instead of the perch and aimed the shower-head so that the water spray was hitting my arm... between him and me. The positioning made him a little anxious at first, but soon enough curiosity won out.

He stuck a wing in. Just the tip. Then a little more. Soon enough a little shoulder action... and then he was flapping away in a state of water fueled nirvana! So I put him down on the new shower perch and went to town.

Woo-Hoo, Jolly! He's so very handsome! I'm glad he enjoyed his first full on shower in his new home.
That's great !!! I wish mine would be ok with that too :). I remember the first time I tried to give Harlow my Catalina Macaw a bath in the bath tub . She was my first "Big" bird and I was nervous [to get in the shower with her ]. I had my daughter with me to help . We were kneeling by the tub and lowering her in shallow water. Well she would have no part of it :) Climbed up my arm and straddling my neck with her head over mine. We were all looking in the bath tub .. She turned to Julia and said "Hi" for the first time. Such a funny moment wish it had been filmed . Its impressive how trusting Jolly is with you :).
Just tried a warm-is shower with Pumpkin. He wanted nothing to do with it. :) glad your boy enjoyed himself!!
Good job Jolly! Zoe will only shower with my partner and the sennies act like I'm spraying them with acid when I take them in the shower.
LOL I was sure as much as he LOVED his spray baths here (he was a major work out for both hands to get him as soaked as he likes!) that it wouldn't take him long to like getting in the actual shower.:D I should add I am some what of a shower hog I like it HOT and all about me, I don't even let the hubby in there with me so all the birds get the spray bottle which as much as I bathe them around here they are very used to.
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Lol, yay Jolly! That's how I got Buddy to take his first shower, he got all into the shower but I had to get in with him and show him how fun it was. Venus on the other hand is a shower diva, she loves the bathroom, they both do. Buddy will even take dry showers when I take him in the bathroom. A dry shower is the sound of the fan in the bathroom, Buddy fluffs up, and starts moving, spreading his wings and shaking like he's getting hit by water, lol.
I don't think I said anything on your first post about him, congratulations on your newest family! Jolly's such an adorable guy, happy to hear he enjoyed his shower!
Hoping I can have a parrot one day that will warm up enough to get near the bathtub :D
Marvelous job, Jolly (and Stephen)!!!! :D

I wanna melt when I look at him, I really do.

Now say, Stephen, were you wearing your swimsuit when you did the shower adventure? :54:
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Woo-Hoo, Jolly! He's so very handsome! I'm glad he enjoyed his first full on shower in his new home.

Thanks, Allee! I'm glad, too! You just never know if they'll like it or hate it.

That's great !!! I wish mine would be ok with that too :). I remember the first time I tried to give Harlow my Catalina Macaw a bath in the bath tub . She was my first "Big" bird and I was nervous [to get in the shower with her ]. I had my daughter with me to help . We were kneeling by the tub and lowering her in shallow water. Well she would have no part of it :) Climbed up my arm and straddling my neck with her head over mine. We were all looking in the bath tub .. She turned to Julia and said "Hi" for the first time. Such a funny moment wish it had been filmed . Its impressive how trusting Jolly is with you :).

Thank you! Hahaha! Your story of your first attempt to shower Harlow was hilarious! What a moment for her first, "Hi." Love it!

Just tried a warm-is shower with Pumpkin. He wanted nothing to do with it. :) glad your boy enjoyed himself!!

Hahaha! Thanks, Ann. You know, some birds prefer a cooler water temperature. It's not necessarily the shower itself that Pumpkin doesn't like.
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Good job Jolly! Zoe will only shower with my partner and the sennies act like I'm spraying them with acid when I take them in the shower.

Thanks, K1! They act like you're spraying them with acid, eh? Hahahahaha! Very funny image!

LOL I was sure as much as he LOVED his spray baths here (he was a major work out for both hands to get him as soaked as he likes!) that it wouldn't take him long to like getting in the actual shower.:D I should add I am some what of a shower hog I like it HOT and all about me, I don't even let the hubby in there with me so all the birds get the spray bottle which as much as I bathe them around here they are very used to.

Yeah, he definitely got into it! Of course, as with every experiment, I need to be able to repeat the results before declaring true success.

And yeah, I definitely shower at a far hotter temperature than my birds prefer, as well.

Lol, yay Jolly! That's how I got Buddy to take his first shower, he got all into the shower but I had to get in with him and show him how fun it was. Venus on the other hand is a shower diva, she loves the bathroom, they both do. Buddy will even take dry showers when I take him in the bathroom. A dry shower is the sound of the fan in the bathroom, Buddy fluffs up, and starts moving, spreading his wings and shaking like he's getting hit by water, lol.

Dry showers? Hahaha! Buddy is hilarious! You need to get that on video!
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I don't think I said anything on your first post about him, congratulations on your newest family! Jolly's such an adorable guy, happy to hear he enjoyed his shower!
Hoping I can have a parrot one day that will warm up enough to get near the bathtub :D

Thank you, Reid! We're loving the little guy!

Marvelous job, Jolly (and Stephen)!!!! :D

I wanna melt when I look at him, I really do.

Now say, Stephen, were you wearing your swimsuit when you did the shower adventure? :54:

Thank you, Wendy! I certainly melt when I look at him and Maya both! (Yeah, they have me wrapped around their little talons. :rolleyes:)

Hahaha! As for the shower adventure, I was actually fully clothed. I just stuck my arm in there to work with him. I always take my hat off to everyone who showers with their birds, birthday suit and all, but I'm just not quite that brave. They'd be just one scare away from things going terribly, terribly wrong. Hahahaha!

Hahaha! As for the shower adventure, I was actually fully clothed. I just stuck my arm in there to work with him. I always take my hat off to everyone who showers with their birds, birthday suit and all, but I'm just not quite that brave. They'd be just one scare away from things going terribly, terribly wrong. Hahahaha!

I want to keep my fids' eyesight in tact, so I ALWAYS make sure to wear 'a little something' when we shower together.

...not to mention having to protect the 'tender' bits (and pieces)....
Of course Jolly is very much used to frequent showers with the spray bottle, and he's already gotten a few of those since coming to live with us, but today I decided to introduce him to the actual shower.

At first, he was less than impressed. I turned on the shower and he flew to the top of my head (his new favorite roosting spot) in the blink of an eye! He was definitely apprehensive and I didn't want to damage the trust, so I took him on my hand instead of the perch and aimed the shower-head so that the water spray was hitting my arm... between him and me. The positioning made him a little anxious at first, but soon enough curiosity won out.

He stuck a wing in. Just the tip. Then a little more. Soon enough a little shoulder action... and then he was flapping away in a state of water fueled nirvana! So I put him down on the new shower perch and went to town.


very nice ekki u have.. May i know how old is ur ekki?
Awww, I am so happy that Jolly enjoyed his first of many showers!
I too was wondering about your attire, HT, good to know you were practicing safe shower techniques:)
Stephen you must tell everyone about the shared birthday.:D Another reason it felt meant to be!
Yeah, mine like cool showers. They don't like warm water all that much, and don't like hot showers at all...

Now, of course, he's gonna wanna get soaked every time you take a shower.
Well doesn't Jolly look pleased with himself after his big shower! He's such a handsome boy. Now, you do realize that by allowing him in the shower once, he will want to shower with you EVERY TIME from now on right:D? Ya, we made that mistake with Kiwi, he's a shower-fiend now and will jungle-call for you if you "forget" him.
Glad Jolly has taken to the shower (fingers crossed)!! Gizmo and Pebbles are big shower fans, and I think it's a big bonding time (I feel Pebbles trust level increased dramatically after we showed her the joy of a shower). The downside is they definitely like them cool, and I should get a perch, picture two arms held out to make a ring, Pebbles sitting under the water and Gizmo madly running under the shower before running up my arm wings spread and using my neck and shirt to dry off his face, before running around my neck and down the other arm to jump back under the water.

I've never joined them under the shower, but we all seem to end up


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I want to keep my fids' eyesight in tact, so I ALWAYS make sure to wear 'a little something' when we shower together.

...not to mention having to protect the 'tender' bits (and pieces)....

Please, Wendy! You're no threat to anyone's eyesight, you nut!

But I cosign completely on protecting the tender bits! Those beaks are sharp! Hahahaha!

very nice ekki u have.. May i know how old is ur ekki?

Thank you! Jolly will be turning 2 years old this September!

Awww, I am so happy that Jolly enjoyed his first of many showers!
I too was wondering about your attire, HT, good to know you were practicing safe shower techniques:)

Thank you, Terr! And yes, I definitely keep my shower techniques safe. I trust them, but there are just certain lines I won't risk them crossing! :eek:

Stephen you must tell everyone about the shared birthday.:D Another reason it felt meant to be!

Yes, indeed! Jolly and I share the same hatch/birthdate: September 18th! Kismet!

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