Kiwi Stardust flies!


New member
Jun 27, 2013
Kiwi Stardust - a green cheek conure
Hey all! Things have been so crazy with family visiting I haven't been able to jump on to this forum

Anyway, I thought I'd hop in to announce that while my family was visiting, Kiwi's flight feathers came in nicely and she can now fly across the living room and even hover!! last night she flew from her cage to the kitchen, stopping to hover above me for a few seconds. It is SUCh a thrill to see her fly!

We took her for a walk yesterday evening and she took off and flew (she was on her leash and flight suit) so i ran along her for a little bit so she could fly a ways. it was so much fun! Anyone know where I can get a longer flight suit leash? Do they make them longer?


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2012
Mitred Conure - Charlie 1994;
Cockatiel - Casey 2001;
Wild Caught ARN - Sylphie 2013
How awesome!!! Well done Kiwi Stardust!!!! :D

The Aviator has a flight line that you can attach to the aviator harness which extends how far they can fly... but this unit is meant to be placed in the ground and your bird can then fly in circles.

I have heard of some people who have used the dog leash extension things.... but those may also be heavy and weigh a bird down.

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