looking at another macaw to buy


New member
Mar 15, 2010
western ny
2 b&g macaws
1 nanday conure
8 cockatiels
5 finches
2 red golden pheasants
1 indian blue peacock
i have a 8 year old blue and gold now and have a chance to buy another one that is 10 years old, my question is how long would it take for the two to get along with each other, or if they will ever get along together. i have a large avairy outside that i would like to put them in during the day together when weather is good. new bird would come with own cage and not share cage with my old bird when in the house and at night. i don't want to breed these birds just would like to have another one. all feed back is appreciated, thank you :blue1:
First make sure they aren't opposite sex. I know many people that mix sexes with no problem, but I would think the risk is too high if you want to house them together (even if it is the same room, different cages).

Second, make sure you have a quarantine/settle in period for your new one. A very good way to get two sick birds is a quick introduction. Or a quick way to get a new bird very stressed is to introduce him to new surroundings at the same time as a new routine and a new bunk-mate.

How long to introduce them? Man, they waaaaay depends on the birds. Supervised interaction only for the first several weeks, then if they seem to not hate each other, then you can keep them out together. They may never get along, which would make your life more difficult. :) But as long as they don't hate each other, put them in the aviary. You may introduce them and they hit it right off in the first hour, in which case you may not need to watch them like a hawk for the next 3 weeks, just depends on your luck.

I have to agree with Lokums, you will have to quarantine them from eachother. have you had the chance to see how your current B&G acts around other Macaws. Is your B&G aggressive at all, if not, that's great. The Macaw your are thinking about getting, what do you know about them, are they around other Macaws, do they get along with other Macaws. Lots of questions here. The 10 year old Macaw you are about to bring into your home, have they been Avairy Vet checked. You don't want to bring a sick Macaw into the home.
If you end up bringing home the 10 year old Macaw and after say 30 days or so, then I would introduce them on the floor with you close by. Have plenty of toys on the floor, see how they interact with eachother. Look for signs of aggression, look for the lowering of their body, these are signs of attack mode. in most cases, many Macaws become close and or will atleast put up with one another.
I would never advise you to keep both in a cage together inside the home even if they become the best of buddies, they will bond with eachother and both Macaws will become hard to handle as they are no longer bonded with you.
Keeping them outside in an Aviary is another thing but only after they are to be trusted around eachother. Best of luck Joe

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