Lost Trust?


New member
Jan 17, 2024
Sun Conure
I was recently relaxing with my conure and she bit my glasses and scratched my face. I don't think she meant anything from it but it spooked me and I got her off quickly. Ever since then she will no longer go onto my hand. She is eating the same and no bad behavior. She will take treats from my hand and also go onto my shoulders. It seems everything has stayed the same minus going onto my had. When I go to pick her up she backs up quickly so I dont try that cause I can only see that being even more scary for her. She goes in and out of her cage to play but getting her in at the end of the night is difficult due to picking her up. Any suggestions on how to make her comfortable with getting picked up without getting a nip?
Big scary hands! Common. Getting her used to stepping up on a dowel can be a lifesaver for you both! I use one 80% of the time with JoJo.
She will slowly rebuild trust with your hands.
Another benefit to stepping up on a stick is most anyone can move her, if needed!
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I have practiced this since the helpful advice. She is getting use to the dowel and will sometimes use my hand. I found patience and a treat here and there goes along way. I appreciate your help alot!

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