Mac broke out of his cage last night ...


Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
Reaction score
New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
Ok, we all know that Cockatoos are known for being mechanical, and so are some of the Macaws, and to and extent so are greys ... but did you all know that some conures are mechanical as well :06:?

So I was sitting on the sofa while Chirsty was make dinner last night (normally it's the other way around, I wasn't feeling well so she made dinner last night and it was very, very good) when all of the sudden one of Mac's food doors fell off his cage ... pellets went everywhere there was a loud crash, and mac scurried up to the top perch of his room trying, trying to look innocent (you all know the "I didn't do it look") I go over to look at what he had done and I was astounded. Mac had worked the screw out that holds the door on ... So I put everything back together - tightly, and this morning he is already trying to work it out again ... stinker! :p
you do know once they learn how there is no turning back. He must have felt you needed some excitement last night.. Hope you feel better, there is so much nasty crap going around.
Auggie's broke out of his cage many times. First time was while I was away. I came home and he was in the middle of the living room chewing on the remnants of a computer keyboard. Its a bit of an arms race, I get new ways to latch his cage, and he finds new ways out. Many bolts on his cage are gone for good - I have no idea where he hides them.
If he gets out again I am going to try those locking nuts ... you know the ones with the rubber on the inside of the thread and they don't come undone for anything ... didn't know that conures were so mechanical ...

Lori, I know ... I looked up from my bowl of cereal this morning and that is exactly what he is doing again ... trying to unscrew the bolt ...
I gotta say that one of the first things I look ay regarding cages is the dissasembly factor. My sweet Baka will happily unscrew, detach and undo anything he can. I discovered many years ago that this bird can open a combination lock if he sees it done enough times. As soon as the Baka is free he heads toward my computer keyboard and proceeds to de-key it.
He is a joy I'll tell you.
I am not going to lie here, I was caught completely off guard with this situation ... I never expected a GCC to break out of his cage ... it's OK though ... that nut is now pliers and screwdriver tight ... I don't THINK he can move it again ... (those, right there, sound like famous last words :18:) ...
Birds can be pretty darn clever :eek: when they want to be.


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