Making progress!


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2022
Ur momā€™s car
Ricochet - Cockatiel
Cricket - Budgie
So, cricket and I have made more progress lately!

She is a lot more excited about stepping up, rather than doing it reluctantly. I am using clearer verbal cues with her to communicate what I am trying to do. I never realized that it was an issue until I took a step back and thought about it a little. I wasnā€™t using verbal cues since I rarely do with Rico (he will step up if I bring my finger to him, unless heā€™s mad at me ofc) so it became something I never really gave much thought to. Well, now that I am very clear with cricket, using verbal cues, she understands me and we both get what we want; she comes out, and she steps up for me.

She is getting more comfortable with me! She will eat immediately after I refill her food, even if Iā€™m directly in front of her. She wonā€™t move away from me if I come near her, she will actively scream in my face, and she wonā€™t give a crap if Iā€™m dancing around my room. She, just like Rico, will stare at me as if I done lost my mind. Although, she wonā€™t take treats from my hands. But she has more trust in me.

And she is a lot more vocal when Iā€™m around or near her cage. She and I make noises at each other from across the room, we will make noises at each other when Iā€™m near her cage, and we can spend a good long while just making the most unholy, ear bleeding sounds at each other.

Cricket pic for birb tax!

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She looks so cute in her new cage!
She really does! And she loves it! Much more space for her to hop around and such!
Have her wings started growing back again or is she still grounded?
sadly, no. But I suspect she may grow them soon, as she recently dropped a tail feather?


(I almost put a screenshot of Francis from L4D here šŸ˜­šŸ’€)

Although, I do know she could have just got it caught in something or pulled it herself. But I am SO EXCITED for her to grow her wings! Seeing her buzz around the room will be very entertaining for sure! But knowing cricket, doors are probably gonna be an issue since sheā€™s the adventurous type.
Good progress. In any training scenario, it is important to be consistent (in how you ask for the action), be immediate with any treat (so the parrot can associate the two) and be patient (self evident of course).
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Good progress. In any training scenario, it is important to be consistent (in how you ask for the action), be immediate with any treat (so the parrot can associate the two) and be patient (self evident of course).
She sadly doesnā€™t take treats yet, but she is receptive to praise- just as Rico did.
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Update: she ate from my hand today! And the had the gall to snatch a bite of my Pringle when I was using the bathroom

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