Male Amazons


New member
May 18, 2008
Hi, we want to get a companion for our 11 year old blue front Amazon parrot that we rescued a month or so ago. He was in a bad home and had no feathers under his tail! He bit, he screamed, he made his owner miserable (she made him miserable!). She swore he hated women. He and I have made great friends, and he is learning to be gentle. He has nipped but never hurt me. He gets plenty of attention but he seems desperate for a bird companion.
We were looking at adopting another male, about 2 years old, who is a double yellow amazon, but we want to make sure this will be okay. We can't do it if it makes him unhappy or angry. I've done many different searches and can't find any info on whether they would fight or not, both being male.

Does anyone know, will two male Amazons fight if they are housed together?
They COULD fight over territory ... depends on how YOU handle it, if you are the flock leader and the "territory" is for the benefit of the flock then maybe you wont have any issues. But with one "hot 3" from a bad situation I wouldn't personally look for another "hot 3" for adoption, I'm just not a masochist like that!

Hi Im new here so i maybe posting this in the wrong new to forums also :D
Anyway i just wanted to say hi, I have a 3 year old male blue fronted amazon who i have had since he was 13 wks old. He is my 1st parrot & i love him very much but i feel i still have so much to learn. i was just wondering if someone could tell me at what age do they sexually mature only i have read several books that have said different ages. Also i have heard that they can get aggresive at this stage.How long does this last for each year?
I also feel my amazon thinks he is the dominant male & he can give me some rough bites, i am reading books so as to deal with this correctly but any help would be greatly received.
I really want to do my gorgeous boy justice & be a good mom to him :)
Usually with "territorial" behavior my first suggestion would be to make sure that both 'zons are "stick trained". This way you can get your birds away from their "territory" (usually their cage) and move them away from that area (especially out of the line of their sight) and start your training/handling there ...

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