March 2024 POTM Contest!!!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Aug 29, 2018
Queensland, Australia
Fang ({ab}normal grey cockatiel), Valentino (budgie), Jem (cinnamon cockatiel), Lovejoy(varied lorikeet), Peach (princess parrot)
March 2024 POTM Contest!!!

This month's theme ...



A big part of what appealed to our ancestors about parrots, and still does to many today, are the shimmering colours of those fantastical feathers.

Nowadays of course, we value them even more for the way they "colour our world" with their vibrant personalities, their antics and their unconditional love!!

So whether your birdie is
"personality plus"
as well as a riot of colour like Lovejoy ...


.... or a sweet-natured
perfect portrait in pastels
like Princess Peachie ...


.... a symphony in monochromatic tones
like Fang ...


... or patriotic hues like handsome Val ...
(Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi!!!)

Come And Show Off
Your Birdie's True Colours!!!!!

No more than one "Official Entry"
per member, but there is no limit
on "Just For Fun" images.

Don't forget to advise if
the submission is
an "Official" entry or "Just For Fun"!

Please ensure to include your
bird's name in your post,
and remember to
observe safety guidelines.

You may use the application, software or
image generator of your choice
to caption or enhance your entry,
but any bird/s pictured
must be your own.

The winner receives a free
One Year Premium Membership
to Parrot Forums, and the
winning entry will be displayed
on the Home Page
for the following month.

Entries are open now
and will close early morning
on March 29 - times will vary
depending on your local timezone.
At the end of the submission period,
a 3-day poll will be held
to determine the winner.

Best of luck everyone!


What a fantastic theme, Mart!!
I love being able to post this pic of my dear Pisces. She will be forever loved and missed.
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What a fantastic theme, Mart!!
I love being able to post this pic of my dear Pisces. She will be forever loved and missed.
Oh beautiful Pisces!! What a glorious rainbow above you she'll always be!!
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Oh what a beautiful bird! No point in trying to compete with that. 😍

Awwwwwwww @Inger, Terry's pic isn't an official entry, besides which the contest theme isn't only about external beauty, it's a celebration of inner beauty and colourful personality as well. And as gorgeous Bumble has PLENTY of all of the above, I know we would all love to see an official entry from you soon! 😍😍😍
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View attachment 58101 Official
This is my beautiful Pebbles, her blue tail barely showing in the picture
That vibrant blue shows through alright, @pebbles1553, Pebbles is a beauty! Thank you for your entry! 😍
Pacho was my most colorful parrot.
with a face like a sunset.
View attachment 58102

Oh wow, @texsize!! Pacho is stunning, like an artist's fantasy of what a parrot would look like! I love this pic, thank you for entering it!!
Oh what a beautiful bird! No point in trying to compete with that. 😍
Awww, thank you, Inger ❤️ It's a just for fun entry, but thank you for your kind words about my Sweet Girl:)
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