Medium Pak-o-Bird Repairs


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Merlin the brown-headed parrot
Hello all,

I manage to buy a used medium Pak-o-Bird for Merlin. It already came with the front guards to protect the zipper. Does anyone have the side guards that go inside, on each side and would be willing to provide the dimensions of the two different pieces so that I can make my own?

What kind of glue do you recommend to do some repairs that would be hidden behind the side guards?

Thanks in advance for your answers!
Can you post a picture of what you mean?
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Here are the two pieces installed on one side of the pak-o-bird:

The vertical piece looks to be riveted on.
If it’s missing from the other side I don’t know how you could fix it.
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The side guard are installed with rivets if they are ordered at the same time as the pak-o-bird. Otherwise, they are installed with nuts and bolts which are easy to buy in stainless steel in any hardware store.
I have n older one , that piece is held on by sewing, not rivets. I f you can figure out the right length rivet, get the right size drill diameter and have access to a rivet setting tool or gun it would seem to be the easiest, cheapest and longest attachment method.. Glue and epoxies I never like to use around parrots - chewing so much as they do I'd worry too much. Sewing , while I think the superior method in this case, requires experience and most of all, a special sewing machine and needle, heavy duty enough to pierce the thick plastic of the guard.

Talking about the rivets, the ones in the pcitures seem to show internal threads in them, likely for screwing in a perch, so if true, make sure you have the correct screw information. No point installing a 6-32 rivet (inch series) when the perch is a M4 thread (metric series). I suggest you spend some time reviewing parts on this website: .

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