Meet Sidney!!!


New member
Oct 6, 2006
Orlando, FL / Austin, TX
Misty ~ Cockatiel,
Sidney ~ Jenday Conure,
Paulie ~ Blue Crowned Conure

HERE HE IS :jumping40 He is a little freaked out by the trip but loves to snuggle not very good at stepping up but we're working on that:) his hatch date is 10/21/06 enjoy :)
Well Sidney is quite the cutie!!! And I think the name suits him... Keep the pictures coming.
He is a beauty Kelli, what does Misty make of the new family member. He really does suit his name. Thank you so much for sharing him with us.

I'll add his hatchday also.
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  • #4
misty loves watching him the way he swings around and stuff she thinks that'a about the weirdest birs she's ever seen !! LOL poor guy he's hungry but doesn't like to eat unless i hand him everything :( i have an asortment of food to try to find somethin he will eat i did see him nibble on some millet and a walnut also i haven't seen him drink anything but he like licking water off my finger i have water in a cup and a bottle he really is a snuggle bug though i will have to add him to my signature later :)
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  • #5
so breath a sigh of relief we are now drinking and eating fine although we still prefer it handed to us :)
Hahaha already wants you to do everything for her, She settled in quickly!!! Has Sidney and Misty become friends yet?
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  • #8
they like watching eah other i know i ought to introduce them soon since sidney is still a baby but his beak is so much bigger than hers i'm afraid he might hurt her? i guess i just ought to try sometime on neutrl ground to see how it goes?
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  • #9
i fogot to mention I JUST LOVE SIDNEY!!! he's everything I wanted in a feathered friend loves his toys snuggles and hasn't been too loud just a shriek here or there! I heard horror stories about loud conures but so far we're off to a great start I JUST LOVE THE LITTLE GUY!!!
...loves his toys snuggles and hasn't been too loud just a shriek here or there! I heard horror stories about loud conures but so far we're off to a great start...

Ok, so Hamlet is all of the above ... he shrieks when I (or my fiancee) come home ... it's a really nice welcome home :D ... he loves to cuddle, espically before bed (infact I need to show you guys his favorite place to curl up ... ) ... now, about the LOUD part and the 'horror stories' I heard them all too, but then I read something in one of the Barron's books that says that a conure will adjust to the loudness of the surrounding household ... so if you have a loud house (lots of yelling or screaming, or the tv always on really loudly [which, as of right now is not an issue, but Spring Training is only like 5 weeks away, and it could be a really loud summer ;)]) you will have a lound conure and vice versa. Hamlet seems to have his "loud" times of the day ... but they are by no means loud ... infact, he's been here a week now and there hasn't been anything said to us from our neighbors and we live in an apartment ...

Here's a side thought ... if conures are supposed to be LOUD birds ... just how much noise to quiet birds make :confused: 'cause Hamlet's not all the loud ...
I think everybird has the potential to be loud, I know when Bucc starts, its ear piercing, but I talk to him in a real soft voice, so he has to quieten down to be able to hear me. You don't know I could be offering something really good, and he'd hate to miss out on the goodies. :D

A lady I know has a budgie, lovely little guy, but when he starts boy oh boy you'd better cover your ears, I'm sure that he's louder than all of mine put together. :eek:
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my cousin has a budgie and it's this alwful grating chatter he makes ARRG misty is loud but she just whistles and Sidney shrieks when I go in to see him and when i put him up but just a few times each today i slept to almost noon since i've been sick and all i heard was little quaking sounds coming from the cage untill i opened the cover! Daddy doesn't mind his noise at all he likes "rainforest" noise Mom glares at Sidney if he shrieks when she's in the room and says were going to have to fix that LOL but so far it's been ok she was really encouraged that he didn't make any noises except little quaks on our hour long drive home! So i guess anyone looking for a conure if noise is the only thing olding you back go for it personality far out ways the noise!!! I'm soo glad after all my research I made the right decision!!!
I'm soo glad after all my research I made the right decision!!!

Thats really great news, so many people decide they want this parrot or that parrot, and the research stops there. :eek: Thats usually when problems start, for the bird as he usually ends up getting rehomed. :( I remember how many different species of birds you looked at before deciding on Sidney. Research maybe boring or it may tell you what you DON'T want to hear, but for the birds well being, it has to be a very important part of pre parrot keeping.
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  • #15
I remember how many different species of birds you looked at before deciding on Sidney.QUOTE]

I know originally I wanted a sun conure then I wanted a green cheek the I wanted a quaker and I thought all about senegals through out the whole thing then I went back to sun conure or jenday but I personally like the jenday the best and that's what I ended up with!!! I'm sure everyone was sick of all my questions trying to figure everything out :)
...I'm sure everyone was sick of all my questions trying to figure everything out :)

NO WAY!!! As Peta said it's good for the birds in the long run if you do your research first ... we will/can not do all the research for you (*ahem* slayor) but if you are asking questions because you want a better life for your companion ... well, I think we are ALL for that! :D
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  • #17
OMG Sidney just figured out how to turn the tv on and off to make the noise come and go! it's soo funny Well fixing to upload some moree pics hang on:)
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  • #18
MORE PICS!!!! It's hard to get pics of him doing random things because he loves the camera and gets as close as possible when I pull it out :)



Is that first picture not the cutest thing, you've ever seen. She knows shes gorgeous!!! :D
I know originally I wanted a sun conure then I wanted a green cheek the I wanted a quaker and I thought all about senegals through out the whole thing then I went back to sun conure or jenday but I personally like the jenday the best and that's what I ended up with!!! I'm sure everyone was sick of all my questions trying to figure everything out :)

Never, Its far better to ask BEFORE getting a bird, rather than get one and find out it doesn't work out for some reason. Well done to you, is what I say.

That picture is the cutest he is beautiful.

Also lets not forget that Slayor is only young. I know my kids want everything done for them. Thats the joys of being young I guess. (a quick note, if my kids don't do things themselves now, they don't get whatever it is they wanted. 16 & 12) Not only am I an evil bird parront I also an evil human parent :D Hmmmmmmmmmm guess I'm just evil :18: :18:

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