my baby quaker questions?


New member
Feb 17, 2014
floresville tx
Baby Quaker
hi my name is Jessica I am new to the fourm. I just got a baby quaker and the lady said it was two weeks. But my friend who is a breeder and also my cousin said its 5 weeks or more. Its on 3 hand feedings a day but pecking trying to eat everything and past the eat then sleep stage. I put in a seed bar and it loves it. Its trying hard to fly but cannot ballence for perching. I have it in a 5 gallon aquarium with a mirror and a stuffed animal that it snuggles qith. I think im doing everything right. Its cage is huge 5 feet tall and I made a play tree out of grapevine for it when its older =) so excited cant wait tell its a little older and can play =)


Im sorry photo bucket is acting up I will post pics tomorrow if they upload =)
Ill post cage and play tree pics as well as the baby name Sammy
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Hello Jessica and welcome! Looking forward to those pictures of Sammy:)
Once you post the pictures I will be able to tell you about how old Sammy is. If he is eating and trying to fly, it would be fine to put Sammy in a cage now so he can learn on how to perch.
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Finally got all the pics uploaded!!! :)

This is the play tree I made for Sammy I also made the toys etc =)

Sammy is going to be spoiled its cage it 5 foot tall

He's definitely 5 weeks old! Not ready to fledge just yet but soon!!!! I think you've got a boy there. Males have wider beak and head. I raised one and he said his word to me at 5 weeks old, he said Hello. I talk to him daily when I see him as I say Hello every time. He shocked me when he spoke to me cause that's very unusual.
My blue quaker Cosmo (11/13) has been mumbling a lot!!! Fortunately we can hear/understand I love you and kisses......
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How awesome! Yes isn't it normally 6 months? I hope it's a boy our other pets are females. I would live a blue quaker. There gorgeous!

I'm going to try to get a amazon around may/june from a local breeder his Amazon's normally lay around april =)

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