
New member
Apr 7, 2014
Hello. My mom has a Plum headed parakeet about a year old. A week ago I notice that his left side of his has a watery eye. I gave him a slower and blow dry him. However after the next few days he has a plug up nose. I haven't taken him or her to the vet since my bird died last time by an inexperience veteran. There has been days where he seems better but than worse the next day. He has been eating but not talking as much, a moving pretty slowing which climbing on my finger.I gave him a shower and notice that he is closing his eye from his second eyelid which seems to get him a watery eye. I been giving him bird food. Someone told me that it cold be allergies, but I don't know what exactly what to give him. My sister wants to give him tea but I don't think that will help. His bottom was clog up with poop which he had that problem awhile ago and it seems to return. I gave him another shower and air dry him to keep him from getting worse. His nose seems to be getting better cause i haven't seen it clogged up. My mom told me I can take him to the vet however if the bird dies that I will hold responsibly and will pay her the money that was purchase for the bird. So I really don't know what to do. I did clean out his cage. Please any suggestions will be helpful.
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Take your bird to an experienced Avian vet. It is probably serious and will need to be treated correctly. You can't treat a bird at home. And I don't recommend giving your bird tea either.
Like it was mentioned above, you should take the plum head to a experienced veterinarian!!!! Until the root of the problem is treated, he isn't gonna get any better just from bathing. That's if he is sick, it can come and go or get much more worse.
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Well, i thought the last one was experience to, until i got the phne call. But thanks anyway.
I'm not entirely sure what sort of responses you were expecting.

None of us are Avian Vets, and the advice you received was 100% accurate and straight to the point.

When birds are sick, they often hide symptoms until it is often too late. ONLY a vet can do a proper checkup, ONLY an avian vet will be able to prescribe medicines that may be needed.

Having said that, get the bird to a vet - the sooner the better.
You need to take him to an avian vet anyway. Just because your other bird died at the last vet doesn't mean the vet was bad. You could have brought in the bird too late. Vets can't perform miracles ya know. You need to take him now. Yes, right now. And make sure it's an AVIAN veteranarian if there are any around. If there is no way to get to one, then any vet would probably be better than none.

And make sure that when you blow dry your parrot that the blow drier isn't coated in teflon. Blow driers can be deadly to birds.

Edit: forgot to say good luck! So sorry, I hope he gets better soon
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I'm no PH parakeet expert, but get your bird to the avian vet! GOOD LUCK!

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