My cages


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Just to start of the new new forum, here are my cages

This is the home of tiels, bourkes and Linnies.

Then we have Errol, Flynn and George

Then Bucc's cage, he is trying to get some sleep until I start snapping away.

Last but not least is the hospirtal cage, that has Gemini in at the moment ready for the vets tomorrow.
O, cant wait to show off my new cages. Pics coming soon!
Love your cages, they look great! Hope to get nice cages for all my
fids aswell!

Can i use ordinary kind of rope thing to also get the perching kind of thing that i see in your tiels cage? They dont sell those stuff here, i can put a
boing in though. And what about barspacing? I know my one tiel puts his head right through and cant get it back again. I wont be able (i think) to get such a big cage with those more together spacing. The cages that i saw are smaller with those kind of spacing. Would it still be suitable for the tiels?

Thanks, got lots more to ask when really going shopping!
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I was very lucky with the top cage, the bar spacing is just under 1/2" and the height is about 5' 10" tall. Lovely and big.

The reason I wanted such small bar spacing was that my tiels would put their head through the bars and we nearly had a nasty accident when they couldn't get their head back through, very lucky that I was near by at the time.

Yes ordinary rope is fine for perches, I have some that I have made and put in for them they love them. Also I have made perches out of ladders, I have put hooks both ends of ladder, attached some chain and hung it from the roof of cage, another favourite.
Here are mine
close up of misty's and another one of misty's

play area on top

and what you might have heard me refer to as a "play cage" which will be shared by both birds (seperated of course) sorry so many pics I just get carried away
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wouldn't be the first time...
Think she forgot :p

:D :D

Kelli seems to be a problem with the pics, all I'm getting is the dreaded red X. Have even gone to properties and clicked and put address into address bar, just says "Page Not Found"
oh maybe it is because i was cleaning up my photo bucket account and deleted them LOL sorry I will try to post new pics in a little bit

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