My conure flew away I’m devastated

It’s been so hard. I’m just taking it day by day. I blame myself because when I let my dog out chooch was riding on the side of him and I didn’t even see him escape outside, then I saw the dog shake and he must have got spooked and flew off never to be seen again. It’s been the hardest 4 days of my life. I never thought this would happen to me and I keep blaming myself. Thank you for your kind words I really need it right now. I’m devastated
I know exactly how you feel. My conure flew away 2 weeks ago and I'm devastated. I feel guilty too. I also feel helpless. I can't stop thinking about him. Hope you are having a good day❤️🦜
My family doesn’t understand the pain I’m going through. I had a green cheek conure for 3 years. Him and I bonded he was like my third child. He was always with me because I work from home. He got out 3 days ago and I haven’t been able to eat or sleep. I have called vets shelters posted him on every single missing pet app, walked miles calling him, put his cage out w food and water, passed out flyers went door to door asking for him and nothing. My heart is broken and nothing can fill this void. I feel hopeless and can’t imagine never seeing him again. If anyone can relate please share how you got through this traumatic time. I will not stop searching but each passing day without him brings less and less hope. My baby is gone
I known exactly how you feel. My conure quickly flew out my front door and away from sight on November 21st. It's been 2 weeks and I am devastated. He is a year and a half old, and I have had him since he was about 10-12 weeks old. I bonded with him and he was with me sun up to sun down. My husband is in dialysis 3 x/ week, and I haven't worked the past few years, so "YOSHI" and I were very close. I never thought this would happen 😔 I hope you are doing okay. I am so sorry you are going through this as well. Sending prayers and well wishes 🙏 ❤️
I just recently experienced the same thing, when my parrot Percy was out side and I tripped over a black scary pipe and he just took of screaming:( my heart just dropped as I watched my scared boy flying off! I watched until he was out of sight than grabbed the car keys and took of calling his name, running down paths, and searching trees, I didn’t eat or sleep either, running around like a crazy person telling anyone I saw about him, posted everywhere (including the ring door bell app that I was told lots of people see) I had to go to work the next afternoon but had spent all morning searching, then when I got back from work the first thing I hear is his scream (never been happier to hear that noise before) it took a while to get him out a tree but he’s now happy and safe! I’ve avoided sharing this because it was 100% my fault he flew off:( but I wanted to share this because you need to know there’s always hope! I also got in contact with someone else who lost their parrot and the day after I found Percy someone had found theirs. I learned a couple things 1. Most parrots will seek help when they reach a point of hunger, this means they will try find a human 2. If you get the word around someone’s ought to notice a strange bird …. I wish you the best of luck and hope your parrot is safe wherever he may be!!
You are SO Lucky you got your Percy back!
@Jenpmartinez19, if I understand correctly from your profile you have lost your beloved GCC, Yoshi, and if this is the case I'm so sorry for your loss. Have you listed him on Parrot Alert yet? You can also search their site for "Found Birds", just in case someone has found and listed him ...

A number of members of our forum have been reunited with their babies via their service. The following links contain a lot of strategies you may find useful too ...

You can make up old-fashioned paper flyers to pop into mail boxes in your neighbourhood – I once got an Indian ringneck back on the same day he escaped with this method many years ago. Alert local Facebook community groups, pet shops and ALL local veterinary clinics, not just avian ones. Pet birds often land on unsuspecting people and end up getting handed in to vet clinics.

Again, I'm so very sorry this has happened - I have had three get away on me over the years and I know how gut-wrenching it is when they fly away. Luckily I have always managed to get them back, more through sheer dumb luck than anything else I'm sure. Don't give up, because birds are often reunited with their families days or weeks later! I pray that you are able to get Yoshi back 🙏
Thank you for your kind words, prayers and helpful tips. I just registered him on Parrot alerts and checked the the "found" birds. I am going to print fliers as well.


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Thank you for your kind words, prayers and helpful tips. I just registered him on Parrot alerts and checked the the "found" birds. I am going to print fliers as well.
You're most welcome, @Jenpmartinez19 :) Please be aware too that unfortunately some horrible and unscrupulous types may respond to you and want money just for information about Yoshi. That will be a scam so please do not be tempted by them. I hope and pray you're able to get him back soon 🙏 🙏 🙏

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