My conure pulled out his feather


Mar 27, 2023
green cheeked conure
Hi everyone, so I just finished cleaning my room and I noticed that my conure Kiwi was holding his feather in his hand? feet? 😭 There wasnt any blood on the feather and this never happened to my knowledges. Sometimes his feathers fell a few months ago but not now. His little feathers or how you call them theyre really tiny fall out sometimes but I thought its because of molting because its summer. Should I be worried? Could it maybe just fallen out? If it did is that bad? Or if he pulled it out is it also bad? I heard it might be because of boredom and stress. Should I buy him more toys?
Hi everyone, so I just finished cleaning my room and I noticed that my conure Kiwi was holding his feather in his hand? feet? 😭 There wasnt any blood on the feather and this never happened to my knowledges. Sometimes his feathers fell a few months ago but not now. His little feathers or how you call them theyre really tiny fall out sometimes but I thought its because of molting because its summer. Should I be worried? Could it maybe just fallen out? If it did is that bad? Or if he pulled it out is it also bad? I heard it might be because of boredom and stress. Should I buy him more toys?
Your bird should have lots of toys to play with and they should to prevent boredom. However, this one feather you found him playing with was probably molted unless he has a history of plucking his own feathers.
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Yup, most likely absolutely normal. You may see another one from the opposite side soon as well. Pretty typical for them to replace them evenly side to side.
Likely a normal replacement of feathers.
Me, I try to remove them ASAP from the cage, I don't want Salty to think these are things to be played with.
Not for nothing this is molting season.... I would not be worried. esp. one feather.

Expect more feathers....lots of feathers since it seems you are new and worried about "one". Sometimes it might look like a bird exploded (had one like that), especially a green cheek. But they are fine as much as they are.

Before you do your next post... (because I know what it is)

Your birds gonna get all itchy and acting wierd. Those are the pin feathers coming out. Take the bird to the bathroom and let it steam as you hot shower every day {indulge and take your time...for the bird}. Encourage baths, many baths. Bird should be back to normal in a bit and it's fine for them to chew thier feather tips it has nutrients.

I drape a towel over the shower rail so they can get steamed as much as possible and they get to have a good grip.
And oh, of course get more toys! always!
Not for nothing this is molting season.... I would not be worried. esp. one feather.

Expect more feathers....lots of feathers since it seems you are new and worried about "one". Sometimes it might look like a bird exploded (had one like that), especially a green cheek. But they are fine as much as they are.

Before you do your next post... (because I know what it is)

Your birds gonna get all itchy and acting wierd. Those are the pin feathers coming out. Take the bird to the bathroom and let it steam as you hot shower every day {indulge and take your time...for the bird}. Encourage baths, many baths. Bird should be back to normal in a bit and it's fine for them to chew thier feather tips it has nutrients.

I drape a towel over the shower rail so they can get steamed as much as possible and they get to have a good grip.
They eat the feather sheaths? Really? Too bad they don't eat all the feathers they molt! There must be some nutrients in them, too!
They in my experience seem to only be interested in the roots. Then discard them unless another bird wants it.

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