My rainbow lorikeet was vomiting and treated for fatty liver after 2 days being home he started to have issues with walking


Jan 7, 2024
Pippen IIRN Ophelia IRN Ernie moutash parrot exodus rainbow lorikeet
Hi my rainbow lorikeet is about 4 years old he was taken into the avian vet last firday and stayed over the weekend getting treatment for fatty liver, I notice he was vomiting so took him in straight away after weighing him and talking him over the vet treated him for fatty liver the only symptoms at the time was a little vomiting eating and drinking, eating normal he was doing well after the weekend and acting normal so I went and picked him up he was back to normal for the first 2 days then started acting was super quiet and didn’t want to come out of his cage as I was putting him to bed I got him out to check him and he was very wobbly and struggling to walk especially on a flat surface he would fall over like his right leg wasn’t working as well i panic and took him straight back to the vet they said they will keep him in over night and observe him and try some anti inflammatorys and see how he goes and keep me updated I’m freaking out what could be wrong with him is he in late stages of fatty liver? Anyone had any similar experiences anyone provide me with any ideas ?
As long he is with a Avian vet, not much more you can do. I wish him and you the best.
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