My silly Lory


New member
Jan 1, 2013
Southern California
Chattering Lory, 18yrs old (Sweet Pea)
I took these pics the other night. In the evenings when I'm at the computer or watching tv, Sweet Pea often lays down on my leg and snoozes, or gives herself a neck massage, or just general cuddling. In the first pic she was dozing, but as the camera flashed, she opened her eyes wide, lol. She stayed laying there tho.



She's soooo cute! This is one thing I LOVE about Lories! Malachai does the cuddling thing all the time. Its so cute! ;)
Such a sweet bird !!! Mines to hyper to hang out.
do lorys have a certain smell to them ...mine does even after a bath ...also do they like hey back of the neck scratched?
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LoryLover, what cute pictures!!!! :D Love them!
I love that 2nd photo! Such a lovely striking bird! I love how much diversity there is in the lori/lorikeet family. My rainbow female rolls on her back for belly scratches too.

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