My Sun Conure elongating his tongue


New member
Jun 8, 2012
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Topeka, KS
Sun Conure
I have a less then a year old sun conure and today all of the sudden he keeps elongating his tongue almost trying to lick his beak and wiggling his lower jaw back and forth and opening and closing his mouth and he seems to try to grab something out of his mouth with his talon but nothing is there, but seems like his tongue is num he tries to keep biting it. He has had no food or water change, nothing new in his environment. He's eating and drinking normally. Any ideas?:confused:
My Forrest started doing that type of thing when he was about 8 months old. It looked like he had a sucker in his mouth. He put his beak in the middle and the tip would become a circle outside his mouth. We honestly thought that he had split his tongue or bit thru it. I actually took him to the vet and he laughed, he said that Forrest had just found his tongue.
He still does something similar to this day especially when he is just sitting on the couch doing nothing. I think it is like a pacifier. He also wiggles his jaw sometimes. I think it is probably normal but just watch to see what happens. Oh and he also he did the foot thing with his mouth not so much anymore though. Forrest is a little over a year old.

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