Naughty macaw


New member
Jun 24, 2015
New york
A blue and gold macaw named Kokomo
Me and my macaw have a pretty good bonded but when other people comes into my room or around me and him he starts to be really mean and lunges at me and try's to bite me. Anyone have any idea why he is doing that?:blue1:
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Hi there, and welcome to the forums. :)

How long have you had your B&G, and how old is he?

IMO he may see you as his 'mate' and is showing resentment when you show any interest in someone other than him.

You should try to nip this in the butt before he latches onto your face. Don't allow him to act out like this. Firmly telling him 'NO', followed by putting him into a brief time-out (into his cage, for example) could possibly work.
I just noticed you added a picture of your Kokoma to your album. :)


His beak is fairly overgrown (too long). IMO it needs to be dremeled down a bit, preferably by someone who's familiar with trimming/shaping parrots' beaks.
What causes some birds beaks to grow long like that. Or do they all .
BB has been really working his Sandstone perch the last week. Is that what helps keep them filed down ?
Yeah, that's a pretty classic overbonding/mate aggression sign.

I'm guessing you're the only one who handles this bird.

And he gets jealous around other people, especially where you are paying more attention to them, than you are to him.

So he pinches, or he bites, or he tries to drive the other people out.

It's a socialization issue really. He needs to get out more. He needs to be around more people. That reduces this behavior.
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I just noticed you added a picture of your Kokoma to your album. :)


His beak is fairly overgrown (too long). IMO it needs to be dremeled down a bit, preferably by someone who's familiar with trimming/shaping parrots' beaks.
When I got him last year from his previous owner thats how his beak look and I didn't want to take him to the vet right off the back because I want to build trust with him but then since then I took him to the vet and I got it cut down
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Yeah, that's a pretty classic overbonding/mate aggression sign.

I'm guessing you're the only one who handles this bird.

And he gets jealous around other people, especially where you are paying more attention to them, than you are to him.

So he pinches, or he bites, or he tries to drive the other people out.

It's a socialization issue really. He needs to get out more. He needs to be around more people. That reduces this behavior.

See that's the think tho I take him outside a lot some could be around other people but every time I do that he gets really. Aggressive with me and becomes hard to handle
Yeah, because the overbonding thing has already kicked in...

It's kind of a vicious cycle (pardon the pun!)

Bird doesn't get out much and becomes aggressive around strangers, and then doesn't get out much BECAUSE he becomes aggressive around strangers...

Until he is socialized to accept strangers, and gets handled by more people, he continues to be this way.

I was fortunate in that when I was dealing with these issues, I was down at the rescue, where we could just put them out on a playstand around strangers all day long... and they didn't really have a choice in the matter. Then you just correct the bad behaviors with "no bite" training.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, if you have a free day, and your bird is clipped, you might try taking him and a playstand down to the local park... and spending the day outside with him around strangers.

Do that a few times, it usually helps.

If you have friends that are willing to do step up practice with him, that also helps.
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I really like Birdmans advise. Wish we lived closer, my daughter loves them and she is fearless! Did I say fearless, oh I mean FEARLESS!! Even after being bit by some of these guys and a cockatoo. I take her to the birds stores regularly so she can get her big bird fix. Haha, I'm not kidding. Hope it all works out.

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