Nero my trickster bird! All thanks to this site!


New member
Dec 28, 2013
Denver -ish
Nero-B&G Macaw-hatch 12/20/11-DNA male
Ocha-G Quaker-7yo- Female
Razzbin-Jenday Conure- hatch 1/21/13- ?
I started to try and train Nero before coming here... But honestly I felt lost. I wasn't sure if he was even happy in my house (his crying sound that I should call cooing)

But a big thank you for all the encouragement, chats, and videos!!!

I had Nero waving before and was trying to get him to lift his wings on command before and it just wasn't working. After watching videos of Mr. Fargo with his mamma, in just under 2 days Nero has mastered it!

Thanks guys!!! Enjoy his 30 second video!

[ame=]Nero b&g macaw-stick Em up and wave - YouTube[/ame]
Awesome! Fargo will be proud when Tab tells him:)
This is SO very awesome!!!! Many congrats to both you AND Nero!!!! You make a GREAT team!!! :emoticonc

Truly fantastic progress in no time at all. WOOT woot woot. :D
Congrats on teaching Nero to do some tricks. :)
Well done!!!! :D

Fargo is very proud ;) Nero is like his little apprentice hahaha

Which trick is next? Perhaps spinning around? Nero should figure that one out super quickly!

Fargo watched the video as well, he loves hearing other peoples voice's on youtube..

I think he approves of his tricks though, he has passed the first test ;) hehe

That little grarrrr kinda sound is when he is upset, was doing it because he wanted to get to Nero, but couldn't... :p

[ame=""]Fargo approves of Nero - YouTube[/ame]
Awwwwww!! That is SO CUTE!
I hope I'll be able to trick train when I get a bird :)
That's Very COOL!!!!!!! Congrats on the Training!!
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Oh my I have never laughed so hard! Fargo is such a ham! He makes so many sounds and is so spunky! I love it! Nero just does his cry baby coo with an occasional "peek a boo" or "hello"

Once again my whole family, kids, husband, and birds watched that video! Sooooooooooo much fun your Fargo is. Nero has been here just over a month, so his true personality is just now starting to show. Amazing!

You have done such a great job with him, I'm so thankful for animal people like you and the ones on this site! Love it!
Hahahaha :D He is a silly boy

Here is one of his crazy talking videos, usually just jibberish ;) Some of the things he says, are very forceful, like he is really trying to yell something, but i just have no idea what it is!! :rolleyes:

Has Nero watched Fargo's videos before? :09:

Oh just you wait, in just a little while he will be completely out of his shell, and he will be a massive clown ;) and then will just keep saying 'hello, hello, hello!' like another macaw i know :54:

Nero is a very clever boy, and very lucky to have you all as his family!!
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Nero has watched ALL of Fargo's videos, many many times. I'm hoping Fargo will teach Nero for me. Hahahaha I think your Fargo is something special and what a great momma you are to him!

I'm uploading a video to youtube right now. Nero gets very focused, stops his coo, gets flashy eyes, and watches.....then he will start licking my tablet! I'm not sure if he is thinking he can lick Fargo or he just likes licking my tablet. Lol

Over the past few days he has really been becoming more outgoing, boarder line pest at times, I love it!

I almost didn't go to meet Nero, I thought this has got to be too good to be true. Thought these people were telling me everything good and the some, nothing bad. The way they described him I thought he was nothing like any macaw I have ever met. I thought they were lying to rid of him. Everything was 100% true, he is amazing and I'm in love! I'm so lucky to have him.
Nero has watched ALL of Fargo's videos, many many times. I'm hoping Fargo will teach Nero for me. Hahahaha I think your Fargo is something special and what a great momma you are to him!

I'm uploading a video to youtube right now. Nero gets very focused, stops his coo, gets flashy eyes, and watches.....then he will start licking my tablet! I'm not sure if he is thinking he can lick Fargo or he just likes licking my tablet. Lol

Haha, last night, Skittles was watching the video Nero and some of Fargo's too. She gets very focused too. She shakes her head up and down and then starts talking gibberish. Very funny.

I think we need to set up FaceTime for our parrots. :D
Hahahaha Fargo has facetimed with a blue and gold macaw in Western Australia..

He goes crazy!!! It makes him so excited, he just starts talking and running around like an excited toddler..

Then when they go i say- thanks, just leave me with him -_- ;) haha

I think if he heard all your voices he would go insane, just loves different voices :eek:
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OM! That is so funny. Nero and I watch tons and tons of videos.
Today I found a B&G on youtube named "coco" he says "peek a boo" and does kisses in the video. I was using the video to show Nero this bird saying "peek a boo" because it's one of Nero's words. Nero is very very shy about talking and almost never talks in front of me.

Today I was leaving the house and the birds were in their room, I was upstairs opposite side of the house and Nero was yelling "peek a boo" "hello" on repeat... I raced downstairs t give him a treat if he said it again and nothing..

So back to what I was saying about the video. This Coco bird.... Nero hates him. Nero got all fluffed up, eyes pinned, hissing and acting like he was going to eat this bird through my phone. BUT he said "peek a boo" in front of me as soon as I put my phone down. Which I jumped for joy and got all excited about, even gave him a few treats. Nothing since..

How crazy is that ? We watch videos all the time, all kinds of birds, and never any reaction other than him watching very closely. Really, he only REALLY watches the b&g's... Other birds he just glances at.

Any thoughts on that craziness?

I have never face timed with Nero, wonder how he would react to that. Maybe I will have my crazy kids and birds make Fargo a video....that silly boy of yours... Does Fargo like other birds too?

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