Never have I ever

hmm.... maybe but shipping costs a lot of $$$ and there is tops in south africa so I'll leave harrisons..


Never have I ever stole something
lol the latest I went to bed was like 2-3 am

never have I ever broke a bone
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  • #26
3 to be exact
all below the age of 9

never have I ever skipped school
well when i used to go to school... I think a few times because i was sick
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  • #29
never have i ever wondered what foxx meant

Never have I ever lost one of my birds (like outside)
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  • #33
all the time

Never have i ever hated something more than you love everyone in the world combined
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  • #35
never have i ever had health nut parents who wouldnt let me :(

edit: i obsess over all things sweet for that reason
One parent wouldn't let me have one cookie crumb more than once a month, one would literally feed junk food for dinner; so...

Never have I ever had something to say I have never done

never have i ever did a surgery
I had surgery many times... twice for the same reason and this Wednesday I'll do it again for the same reason I'm having a foot op so birbs will be stuck in cages because I will have a hard time getting them back in... poor birbs
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One parent wouldn't let me have one cookie crumb more than once a month, one would literally feed junk food for dinner; so...

Never have I ever had something to say I have never done
not sure what you mean so I'll say never

Never have I ever shouted something stupid in public
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Never have I ever used the :alien: emoji
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  • #40


Never have I ever had a STORMY

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