Budgie ate toy?


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2024
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Within chirping distance
Ollie McBudgie the Fluffinator
I think Ollie McBudgie might have eaten bits of his shredding toy. When he destroyed the dried palms he spit them out and made a mess, but then he moved on to the playing cards and I am not seeing any bits on the bottom of the cage. His poops are vaguely yellow-the color of the cards. I am hoping it will just pass through. Is there a reason to panic? When I bought the toy I asked the lady if it was safe and she said they split it out...I'm just glad I cut off the foam parts.
I am so PARANOID! I know tons of folks swear by shredding toys.
! It is always a choice between enriched environment vs. dangerous environment. My poor Rickeybird has involuntariiy joined in the latter. He has lived a less-than-enriched/free lifestyle in favor of my paranoid/suspicious/protective nature... and... he's 40 years old.
Risk? Worry? Freedom? Cruel restrictions?
A very personal thing. If I can envision any bizarre danger in a toy/situation, I avoid it.
Thank you for sharing.
I hope I don't sound preachy.
Stick with us.
Are the playing cards bird toys? I've never seen them. Take a picture
Apparently he's moonlighting at a casino because he really enjoyed that ace of spades.


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I am so PARANOID! I know tons of folks swear by shredding toys.
! It is always a choice between enriched environment vs. dangerous environment. My poor Rickeybird has involuntariiy joined in the latter. He has lived a less-than-enriched/free lifestyle in favor of my paranoid/suspicious/protective nature... and... he's 40 years old.
Risk? Worry? Freedom? Cruel restrictions?
A very personal thing. If I can envision any bizarre danger in a toy/situation, I avoid it.
Thank you for sharing.
I hope I don't sound preachy.
Stick with us.
I keep trying to get one step ahead of him but I am 0 for 3. I stand on counters, pounding down nails sticking out of the tops of cabinets next to the ceiling, and he eats his toy.
I don't know. Perhaps the pieces of the playing card toy are very small and got lost in all the other debris. My budgies chew a lot of things they are supposed to chew and some things I wish they wouldn't chew. I have never had one get sick from swallowing something inedible that they chewed. I guess it could happen but I can't see myself worrying about it. I keep them from obvious hazards but I can't deprive them of chew toys. I like to think they are smart enough not to swallow things that aren't food, like cardboard chads, wood splinters, seed hulls, bits of seagrass twine, and other bits of debris they produce all day long. One of my female budgies, my beloved Rocky, chews like a beaver, like a parrot three times her size. That's what they do in the wild to excavate their nest cavities. I think she would get very frustrated if she had nothing to chew and destroy.
This is his frustration attack toy when he has an itch he can't fix. He runs to it when he wants to feel secure I hated to take it from him. But I minutely examined the cage papers. No remnants. Just coated card colored poos. Thankfully he does have another toy made of leather. Maybe I can make him a substitute out of a tp roll.
I'd cut the playing cards off and give his toy without them. He will still like it. He would have chewed them all off eventually anyway. Put a piece of white paper towel on the cage bottom to catch his poops and photograph them. Post the pictures and we all will tell you if we think they look like there's a problem. You can also have your vet look at the pictures and advise you.
Thank you-I'll look at his overnight pile in a bit. I suspect he will be fine as long as it's normal volume and he's not obstructed. At least he's had his fiber for the week.
I am so PARANOID! I know tons of folks swear by shredding toys.
! It is always a choice between enriched environment vs. dangerous environment. My poor Rickeybird has involuntariiy joined in the latter. He has lived a less-than-enriched/free lifestyle in favor of my paranoid/suspicious/protective nature... and... he's 40 years old.
Risk? Worry? Freedom? Cruel restrictions?
A very personal thing. If I can envision any bizarre danger in a toy/situation, I avoid it.
Thank you for sharing.
I hope I don't sound preachy.
Stick with us.
I agree here! My CAG isn't trust worthy in or out of cage. A few days ago she discovered the box where rejected toys, perches are kept. Those are now moved to garage. Yesterday I retired a 'parrot safe' toy she nearly got her head stuck in. With my CAG I get frequent verification that if there are 'X' number of dangers, CAG will bypass 'Y' straight to 'Z' and guarantee absolutely dangerous!!!!
Ollie had his first vet visit today. He is sneezing a lot, which is simultaneously adorable and concerning. We came home with a ten day course of antibiotics for a bacterial infection that I suspect he's had since I got him. He really did have a tail bob, poor little guy. I thought I was being paranoid. We go back in two weeks. But at least we now have a wonderful avian vet!
Thank you for taking such good care of Ollie! You are the best because Ollie's life matters. Budgies lives matter, and thank you for appreciating this. Make sure he gets his medication as directed.
I you have a soft fleece towel or small baby blanket just put it over him and pick him up from his back wrapped in it. Find his face and just put the medicine in his beak. Hold him for a few seconds while he swallows and open the blanket into his cage and put him back. Talk sweetly and softly to him while you do it. Don't hold his breast/ belly area too tightly or he won't be able to breathe. Hold him from his back and wing area, with no pressure on his belly area. If you dont hold him firmly enogh he will wiggle free making the whole procedure harder and more stressful. A thumb and forefinger on each side of his head from behind will make it easier to put it in his beak without him wiggling around too much.
Thank you! I will definitely try that! They showed me how to do it today, but it always looks easier when someone experienced is doing a demonstration. Hopefully I'll feel more confident after doing it successfully tomorrow. Poor little sneezer.:( He also has fatty deposits from his old diet, but the doctor said they seem to be clearing out with his new diet.
Chubby budgies are very common on seed diets, especially without enough excercise (does this sound familiar?). With his new diet and out of cage flying time he should trim down nicely.
Even after having budgies for so long and having to medicate many times, I still dread having to do it. Be prepared and try to stay calm as you get him into position. Remember- you won't hurt him if you hold him firmly as long as you don't put pressure on his breast or belly. If you hold him too loosely I guarantee he will either wiggle free or get the medicine everywhere but in his mouth! Have a moist paper towel or a baby wipe handy to wipe any excess off his face. I would draw a bit extra into the syringe in case you miss his mouth.
FWIW I have found the easiest way to give liquid meds is to find a treat that will absorb it that they can't resist. Even if that is not something in an acceptable diet plan. Reserve that treat only for medication.
Examples.... Anakin (U2) took his meds on a thumbnail size piece of wheat bread with Skippy creamy peanut butter. Gracie (CAG) gets hers in a very tiny piece of wheat pancake (no butter or syrup).
No handling or scary syringes required and a happy bird. They actually see me medicate the treat and will protest loudly if not served on time.
I admit it can take time and much experimentation to find that perfect treat.
They gave me two syringes. Maybe I'll load one as a back up. Anddd my HVAC just went out. Not a good night for it. Now I have to figure out how to keep a sick Ollie warm.
I feel for you with the HVAC going out . Back in 2022 we had such a long and cold freeze (single digits) which I know is a laughing matter to people in the north but we are not used to or prepared for that here. If the power was on the HVAC couldn't keep up. I had to resort to wood fired heat. I was petrified for the FIDS. However we all made it through and they actually seemed to enjoy watching the fireplace ( flue was wide open burned a ton of wood).

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