New Amazon Owner!


New member
Mar 28, 2014
One Blue Fronted Amazon
So I'm new to this forum and big parrot ownership. I have a ten month old Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot
-The cage is 32W X 23D X 40 something tall
-The hatch date is May 11 2013
-I dont know is he/she is male or female
Please share with me your stories, tips, tricks, whatever you have. I have literally spent weeks reading up on these birds but please share everything with me! Whatever you have please share! :green::green:!!


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Also I have taken the little guy to the vet and she said he was completely healthy.
However I have a couple concerns. He sneases a bit. He yawns several times a day. And he seems to be a huge clutz. He has fallen many times from his cage while playing. Is this cause for concern or is this part of him being a baby?
Young birds are clutzy, but the sneezing is a concern. Contact your vet and discuss the symptoms of your bird.

Amazons are smart and maniuplative. Having an Amazon parrot is like having a 2 year old human toddler. They always want to have their way, and spoiling them will create a monster, so don't skip the basic training.

Glad you joined!
Patience is also a key. He learns to trust you, he will bond with you but you must take the time! When I first got my Zack, I couldn't even reach into the cage witout getting attacked. Now he looks forward to getting out of his cage and spending time with me.
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Thanks guys!
Yeah he's much more comfortable in our house now so hes gotten a bit more nippy and brave haha.
Ive been keeping a close eye and he seems to have a little dandruff problem so im thinking maybe thats why hes sneezing? ill call the vet today.
Congrats on your new baby. The sneezing is most likely just a little something got in his nose, but it's always best to be safe than sorry and contact the vet. Yawning is totally normal, and totally adorable. If he's dandery, when was the last time he had a bath? Amazons need frequent baths (once a week at minimum) or they get dry and flaky skin. Best of luck with him! He looks like his head colors will spread out into a beautiful mottled blue and yellow over the years:D
Your blue front is adorable! What is his/her name?
I agree with Kiwibird about the baths for amazons. I give mine a good misting 2 - 3 times a week:)
Your new baby is beautiful.
Treat him/her like you would treat a new member of the family. Involve him/her in many or all of the activities you do. Socialize with your parrot like you would do with a small child.
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Thanks for all the replies! Well lets see..ive had him for a week and ive sprayed him down three times. I have a little spray bottle...and he is not a fan. Ive tried a bowl of water and he wont get in. And ive tried bribery and everything but he is just not pleased with water at the momemt. Im sure it will change as hes more comfy with me.
Also I havnt named him. Family tradition. You give them a month and see what they should be named. Right now im leaning towards naming him klutz...because hes a huuuge klutz!
What a pretty BF! Klutz, hey? You'll end up renaming him once he outgrows his "klutziness" LOL.

As for the bathing ritual, here's an idea: Place him on the back of a plastic garden chair (or any chair you don't mind getting wet), put some towels on/around him, turn on the music, turn up the volume, and then try spritzing him down. :D My Amazons LOVE getting wet while "partying".

You could also try to run the vacuum cleaner, as that's another thing that brings on the mood to get wet (for many).

Got any more pics to share with us? We all LOVE pictures, the more the merrier. :)

And lastly, WELCOME to the forum. :)
Wendy is right about the vacuum. Dance music too! Parrots definitely respond to sound, and with amazons especially, when they get excited, they want a bath! You can also try putting him up on the shower curtain rod or shower door next time you shower and let him see you taking a bath and how much fun it is! When he becomes intrigued, bring him down and let him enjoy the shower too (just be sure it's not super hot water). I would just let him observe the first few times, but a lot of parrots (including ours) LOVES to join their owner in the shower:)
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I hope this worked!
Here are some good pictures of the little guy


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