New budgie


New member
Mar 2, 2022
I reasently got a new budgie (pearl) she seems pretty young but was extremely fearful of people when i first got her i kept her in a travel cage the first week so she could settle in and i could start taming her. i’ve tamed a few budgies in the past but im making reallyy slow progress with her so far i can get her to take some millet from my hand which is pretty big considering she wouldn’t get near me but thats about it if anyone has some tips it would be helpful! I also have another budgie and the only time she would calm down a bit was when he was around so i decided to introduce them and they got along right away, they have lived together for about a month now and they have constantly bin giving eachother head scratches which is normal in budgies but i’ve noticed some feather lost around pearls head im not sure if it’s something to be worried about since shes could just be molting or my other budgie might be preening her to much im not sure what to do for her i will put a picture below, Thanks


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I reasently got a new budgie (pearl) she seems pretty young but was extremely fearful of people when i first got her i kept her in a travel cage the first week so she could settle in and i could start taming her. i’ve tamed a few budgies in the past but im making reallyy slow progress with her so far i can get her to take some millet from my hand which is pretty big considering she wouldn’t get near me but thats about it if anyone has some tips it would be helpful! I also have another budgie and the only time she would calm down a bit was when he was around so i decided to introduce them and they got along right away, they have lived together for about a month now and they have constantly bin giving eachother head scratches which is normal in budgies but i’ve noticed some feather lost around pearls head im not sure if it’s something to be worried about since shes could just be molting or my other budgie might be preening her to much im not sure what to do for her i will put a picture below, Thanks
Do you notice any feathers on the cage floor or under their cage? He may be over preening her if she isn't molting, but parrot don't generally get bald patches when they molt. Very pretty budgie by the way :giggle:
I reasently got a new budgie (pearl) she seems pretty young but was extremely fearful of people when i first got her i kept her in a travel cage the first week so she could settle in and i could start taming her. i’ve tamed a few budgies in the past but im making reallyy slow progress with her so far i can get her to take some millet from my hand which is pretty big considering she wouldn’t get near me but thats about it if anyone has some tips it would be helpful! I also have another budgie and the only time she would calm down a bit was when he was around so i decided to introduce them and they got along right away, they have lived together for about a month now and they have constantly bin giving eachother head scratches which is normal in budgies but i’ve noticed some feather lost around pearls head im not sure if it’s something to be worried about since shes could just be molting or my other budgie might be preening her to much im not sure what to do for her i will put a picture below, Thanks
is there any pin feathers if there is then she is molting if there is no pin feathers she is feather plucking
I reasently got a new budgie (pearl) she seems pretty young but was extremely fearful of people when i first got her i kept her in a travel cage the first week so she could settle in and i could start taming her. i’ve tamed a few budgies in the past but im making reallyy slow progress with her so far i can get her to take some millet from my hand which is pretty big considering she wouldn’t get near me but thats about it if anyone has some tips it would be helpful! I also have another budgie and the only time she would calm down a bit was when he was around so i decided to introduce them and they got along right away, they have lived together for about a month now and they have constantly bin giving eachother head scratches which is normal in budgies but i’ve noticed some feather lost around pearls head im not sure if it’s something to be worried about since shes could just be molting or my other budgie might be preening her to much im not sure what to do for her i will put a picture below, Thanks
Start off talking to your budgie from a distance and gradually move in closer and chat to it. When the bird is comfortable with you by its cage, try and get the bird used to the presence of your hand by placing your hand on the outside of the cage near the budgie, but never above the budgie. If your budgie flutters away don’t drawback, just stay there talking until the bird settles, and then move your hand close to it again.
Next start to give your budgie a treat of spray millet from your hand. Slowly move your hand and spray millet into the cage and offer this with encouragement to your budgie. The bird should gradually move in to accept this from you. If the bird pecks at you do not make a sudden movement away from it. Your budgie will just be checking you out and will soon realize you mean no harm. Talk quietly and gently to the budgie, all the time moving closer until it becomes comfortable with this. Your bird may even hop onto your hand while eating the spray millet.

– You can then try placing an empty hand with one or two fingers extended into the cage. Gently move your hand in closer each time until your budgie gets used to the particular level of closeness. Eventually start putting your finger alongside the bird’s perch and feet and leave it there until your bird is relaxed with this. Then move your finger so it touches the budgie’s feet. Once comfortable with this, the next step is to move your finger up to its stomach and the bird should soon hop onto your finger and use it as a perch. Then every time you nudge your finger against the stomach and lift a bit your budgie should hop up onto your finger.

– Next try moving your budgie about in the cage while on your finger. The budgie may jump off and go back to its cage perch but just keep working on this one.

– Once the budgie is used to your finger as a perch you can try moving the bird out of the cage on your hand. This step can be difficult with a budgie often reluctant to venture out on your finger. This is where a separate perch is useful. Offer this and the budgie tends to come out of the cage on the perch rather than your finger initially.
I reasently got a new budgie (pearl) she seems pretty young but was extremely fearful of people when i first got her i kept her in a travel cage the first week so she could settle in and i could start taming her. i’ve tamed a few budgies in the past but im making reallyy slow progress with her so far i can get her to take some millet from my hand which is pretty big considering she wouldn’t get near me but thats about it if anyone has some tips it would be helpful! I also have another budgie and the only time she would calm down a bit was when he was around so i decided to introduce them and they got along right away, they have lived together for about a month now and they have constantly bin giving eachother head scratches which is normal in budgies but i’ve noticed some feather lost around pearls head im not sure if it’s something to be worried about since shes could just be molting or my other budgie might be preening her to much im not sure what to do for her i will put a picture below, Thanks
i can confirm if she is young and her age please picture here cere and i will confirm gender and age
maybe the other budgie is preening her too hard or she has mites so I definitely recommend a vet visit
and is she a girl or a boy?
where did you get her from?
all great stuff above.

From the pictures, I would be concerned about a respiratory infection. No you don't have to see discharge or have sneezing. But often you do have sneezing. Being around her eye and nares...
I saw this in mine when they had psittacosis. On light colored budgies, you can sometimes see the feathers take on a tan tint just above the nares with a respiratory infection.

So I hsve to suggest an avian veterinarian check up, as my best advice
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Do you notice any feathers on the cage floor or under their cage? He may be over preening her if she isn't molting, but parrot don't generally get bald patches when they molt. Very pretty budgie by the way :giggle:
There are a few fallen feathers but because of the patch i think it might be over preening, Thank you!
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  • #11
is there any pin feathers if there is then she is molting if there is no pin feathers she is feather plucking
Start off talking to your budgie from a distance and gradually move in closer and chat to it. When the bird is comfortable with you by its cage, try and get the bird used to the presence of your hand by placing your hand on the outside of the cage near the budgie, but never above the budgie. If your budgie flutters away don’t drawback, just stay there talking until the bird settles, and then move your hand close to it again.
Next start to give your budgie a treat of spray millet from your hand. Slowly move your hand and spray millet into the cage and offer this with encouragement to your budgie. The bird should gradually move in to accept this from you. If the bird pecks at you do not make a sudden movement away from it. Your budgie will just be checking you out and will soon realize you mean no harm. Talk quietly and gently to the budgie, all the time moving closer until it becomes comfortable with this. Your bird may even hop onto your hand while eating the spray millet.

– You can then try placing an empty hand with one or two fingers extended into the cage. Gently move your hand in closer each time until your budgie gets used to the particular level of closeness. Eventually start putting your finger alongside the bird’s perch and feet and leave it there until your bird is relaxed with this. Then move your finger so it touches the budgie’s feet. Once comfortable with this, the next step is to move your finger up to its stomach and the bird should soon hop onto your finger and use it as a perch. Then every time you nudge your finger against the stomach and lift a bit your budgie should hop up onto your finger.

– Next try moving your budgie about in the cage while on your finger. The budgie may jump off and go back to its cage perch but just keep working on this one.

– Once the budgie is used to your finger as a perch you can try moving the bird out of the cage on your hand. This step can be difficult with a budgie often reluctant to venture out on your finger. This is where a separate perch is useful. Offer this and the budgie tends to come out of the cage on the perch rather than your finger initially.
Thank you so much for all the tips i will definitely be trying this!
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i can confirm if she is young and her age please picture here cere and i will confirm gender and age
Thank you! i will put a picture below


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  • #13
maybe the other budgie is preening her too hard or she has mites so I definitely recommend a vet visit
and is she a girl or a boy?
where did you get her from?
Im thinking girl bc of the white in her cere but im not 100% sure and i got her from a local pet store. Here is my other budgie preening her


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all great stuff above.

From the pictures, I would be concerned about a respiratory infection. No you don't have to see discharge or have sneezing. But often you do have sneezing. Being around her eye and nares...
I saw this in mine when they had psittacosis. On light colored budgies, you can sometimes see the feathers take on a tan tint just above the nares with a respiratory infection.

So I hsve to suggest an avian veterinarian check up, as my best advice
Thank you! I will definitely be looking into getting her checked out just to be sure
Thank you! i will put a picture below
he is a boy and is not actually a baby he is still passing through maturity so he is in the middle when his cere turns completely dark or bright blue he passed maturity
could you picture the green birds cere
Im thinking girl bc of the white in her cere but im not 100% sure and i got her from a local pet store. Here is my other budgie preening her
it's not a girl because girls cere has only tan and brown and white sometimes a little blue (and when girls' are babies they only have light blue it never has purple

but your bird has purple lots of blue and white so he's a boy
as an example
when budgie ceres are like this they are boys
download (4).jpg

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